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Reference links are not being updated up on creating language copy(ies).


Community Advisor

After generating a language copy from a source, the reference links (authored links in both core and custom component components) do not refresh their references to match their respective locales.

Interestingly, only the references in components of level one pages are updated, while those in their child pages remain unaffected.

For instance:

Master Copy: language-masters/en.
Language Copy: language-master/en-sg derived from the master copy.

The reference links are modified only on the en-sg page but not within en-sg/*.

Do you have any insights into what might be going wrong or what I might be overlooking?

AEM Version: AEMaaCS.

PS: For both CFs and Sites.

5 Replies


Community Advisor


Are you able to see the correct links inside language-master/en-sg  when derived from language-masters/en?

How many language copies do you have for a langauge e.g. language-master/en-sg?

Arun Patidar


Community Advisor

Hi @arunpatidar.

Yes, I see correct referenced links in language-master/en-sg.
We have multiple copies, if you ask for a number it is more than 30.


Community Advisor

HI @B_Sravan 
Can you try to create a language copy for the entire tree and check if links are updating or not?

Arun Patidar


Community Advisor



OOTB, we have an option to configure if referenced assets should be included while translating a page or not (via Translation project)


This is controlled by "Translate Page Assets" config in Translation Cloud Services. 




To visit this config:

- Go to Tools > Cloud Services > Traslation Cloud Services

- Look for translation configs that are present in the folder that effective for your site.

The order would be /conf, if not found /libs

- Edit Default_translation.




For more details, please refer to https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/sites/administering...

Aanchal Sikka


Community Advisor

@aanchal-sikka You are right, and I apologize for not addressing this in my initial question. Even though I have the settings configured as intended, I am not observing the references updating. I am considering the possibility of submitting a support ticket.