Hi All,
We are exploring HTML5 forms to be able to complete and submit the forms from Mobile devices. I had few questions related to this and would greatly appreciate if anyone already working with HTML5 forms could provide more insights.
1. What is the best way to deliver/serve these HTML5 forms, should we build a Forms Portal (using Search and Lister Component) then configure it show all XDP templates uploaded to /content/dam/formsanddocuments ? OR Expose a REST endpoint (http://aempublisher.corp:4503/content/xfaforms/profiles/default.html?contentRoot=crx:///content/dam/...)
With the API approach, I am required to tweak the paths to Client libraries as without those the form is not rendered correctly. Example the below paths,
I was planning to modify the rendered file that generates this HTML source to include the server name before these paths so they are accessible. Is this a good approach?
2. We design our XDP with some custom fonts, How do we manage custom fonts when rendering HTML forms ? unlike PDF they cannot carry the fonts. Should the system that calls the API have these fonts available on their server ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
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You will have to setup reverse proxy with the web server
similar to embedding Adaltive Form in extern web page
Approach 1 is better
for custom fonts refers to. Question 7 in this FAQs
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Thank you, the reason i mentioned the API approach, we have external teams who are also interested to embed the form on their web page. I was following the article at "https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-learn/forms/adaptive-forms/embed-af-we... .
Not sure how to handle the client libraries to make the form render correctly on their web pages.
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@workflowuser , can you help how to handle the client libraries to make the form render correctly on their web pages?
You will have to setup reverse proxy with the web server
similar to embedding Adaltive Form in extern web page