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Querybuilder query multiple paths and other properties


Level 10

I do have a question on query builder query and if it is the apt way to proceed on 6.5.8

I have a structure as below






and  58 more direct children for /var/test/user

I want to query for a property with a value "x", and link contains "/content/dam/y" and within a date range for "created" ordered by "created" and sort it.


The Querybuilder query i can think of is below. I would like to know if there is 

1. a limit to the number of "group" keyword used, while i am sure passing too many will perhaps lead to bad request with too many header fields.

2. way to optimize the query for a system with huge number of nodes under that structure (nested 8 levels deep)

3.Should i split it into multiple queries and merge?

4. Using below query should i be seeing "Filtering predicates"  displaying something? It appears to be blank in Query builder 




Takes 50 seconds 



group.1_path = /var/test/user-info/0
group.2_path =/var/test/user-info/1



group.n_path =/var/test/user-info/n

1_property = action
1_property.value = X
2_property = @node/link
2_property.operation = like
2_property.value = /content/dam/y/assets/%
3_daterange.property = created
3_daterange.upperBound = 2022-01-01T12:09:00.000-05:00
3_daterange.lowerBound = 2021-06-01T12:09:00.000-04:00
orderby = created
orderby.sort = desc


8 Replies


Employee Advisor

Here , user-info [/var/test/user-info] is having 60 children and you are targeting immediate children of 0,1.... n.

I feel instead of having multiple groups associated with path, you could have used 

type= nodetype [jcr:primaryType] of 0222223ead, 234534rrr43 


If incase node type [jcr:primaryType] of 234534rrr43, 0222223ead is similar to user-info node, in that case  you can get expected result by adding date range, required property like action, link. 


Suppose you are targeting nodes[children] under multiple paths like /var/test/user-info and /var/test/demo and both are having different types children [jcr:primaryType], then you can use group associated with paths.


Below you could see I am targeting nodes like 425b2b8f-50f0-45ab-b8b4-e210d906b71c and my query -

1_property = cq:path
1_property.operation = like
1_property.value = /conf/demo/settings/wcm/templates/page-content%




As of now practically I haven't seen merging of two different query builder queries. 


Requesting @arunpatidar , @Jörg_Hoh and others to correct me and add more valuable points.





Level 10

Thanks @DEBAL_DAS ... i could have but the other properties i am searching for are a mix of properties and nodes containing properties.. I ran batching for the query in the original question  and it seems to have done the job but will keep an eye on anyones input here


Employee Advisor

@NitroHazeDev , long back I used the below querybuilder query with mix of properties and multiple paths -



If I see get anything in terms of merging of multiple queries then I will share with you immediately.



Level 10

Thanks @DEBAL_DAS  for your time with this, for now sticking with initial approach mentioned in the post with batching. 


Community Advisor


I don’t know the exact requirement but queries looks complex.

I would have used the SQL2 queries or create custom predicate in order to make it easier to manage.

Arun Patidar


Level 10

@arunpatidar  thanks for the response. For now, I have chosen grouping(10 at a time) with batching of results, but is there a way with the given requirement custom predicate evaluator can be used ? 


Community Advisor

Yes, you can create a custom predicate

You can check the immediate child of path and return true otherwise false


Arun Patidar


Level 6

Happened to find the solution for this and thought of posting it. If you are adding the paths as below:

group.1_path = /var/test/user-info/0
group.2_path =/var/test/user-info/1


It does not take the paths into account and you end up getting all the results irrespective of paths.


Putting the paths under different groups and combining those groups into one with OR works. The query that works is below:


0_group.1_group.1_path = /content/path1

0_group.2_group.2_path = /content/path2




0_group.n_group.n_path = /content/pathn
