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Query is not returning any value when I am filtered by dropdown value


Level 4

I have written a query for that I have also define the index  and it is executing correctly but not getting results.

my thought is, property which I am filtering that is set by in aem commerce a dropdown that why it is not able to match but if am filtering a property which set simple text then I am getting results.


for example :

my object look like below:


"data": [
"datatype": "DeviceDataUse",
"values": {
"defaultskuid": "141200172",

"identifier": "dvc12080008prd",
"storageunit": "GB",
"availabilitystatus": "Sellable",
"tinynoborder": "xx",
"skuimages": ["xx"]
}, {
"datatype": "DeviceSkuDataUse",
"values": {
"halfsize": "xx",
"identifier": "128000055",
"image": ["xx"],
"hexcode": "#1F2120",
"derivedinventorystatus": "BackOrder",
"availabilitystatus": "Supported",
"fullsizeborderlesspng": "xx"
"pageUrl": "xx"


SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS s WHERE (ISDESCENDANTNODE(s, [/etc/commerce/products/myProject/en/devices])) and s.derivedInventoryStatus = 'BackOrder'


for "identifier" it is working fine.


// queryString = "SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS s WHERE (ISDESCENDANTNODE(s, [/etc/commerce/products/myProject/en/devices])) and (identifier is not null)";


Screenshot 2021-09-24 at 11.52.06 AM.png

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 4

Recreate index for the same property and then reindex. It will work.

View solution in original post

7 Replies


Level 4

Hi @Abhishekty 


Can you change s.derivedInventoryStatus to s.derivedinventorystatus




Level 4

No, "s.derivedinventorystatus" is also not working.


Level 4

After changing the name I believe you have to update the index as well with the correct name as derivedinventorystatus and reindex.

There is nothing wrong in your query, I ran the same on my end as well, and it is working fine.




Level 4

Yes, I already did the same steps. but still facing the same issue.

Screenshot 2021-09-24 at 1.35.16 PM.png




Level 4

Can you check If your newly updated index is getting used. Can you share the screenshot of that. http://localhost:4504/libs/granite/operations/content/diagnosistools/queryPerformance.html





Level 4

Screenshot 2021-09-24 at 1.53.25 PM.pngScreenshot 2021-09-24 at 1.53.46 PM.png


Correct answer by
Level 4

Recreate index for the same property and then reindex. It will work.