For customer’s using Adobe Managed Services, Cloud Manager has become the de facto system for deploying code to their Adobe Experience Manager environments. Among Cloud Manager’s many deficiencies is the inability to fetch artifacts from private remote repositories.
The good news is there’s a workaround for internet-facing artifact repositories. Unfortunately, non-internet facing artifact repositories are not supported as Cloud Manager spins up Docker containers to run the actual build process and they do not support a pool of IPs or virtual networks for the containers. According to feedback from Adobe, the Cloud Manager team is waiting on a feature from Microsoft Azure to allow all Cloud Manager Containers to be assigned an IP address out of a defined range. Once this feature is added to Azure, AMS will be able to provide an IP range to allow access to the artifact server.
Connecting to a Private Artifact Repository
The solution involves two parts:
1. Working with your CSE to configure Environment Variables
2. Overriding the settings.xml in the project
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Kautuk Sahni