During this AEM GEMs webinar, we will show how you can get the most out of adding your own private GitHub repository in Cloud Manager. We will start with the repository onboarding, which will now allow you to directly link the GitHub repository to your Cloud Manager pipelines, eliminating the need to consistently sync your code with the Adobe repository. Then we want to showcase how this feature allows you to shift-left your testing process, bringing the Cloud Manager code quality checks at pull request level before the code is merged. This way, as an AEM developer, you would be able to identify the issues that would have failed your Cloud Manager build sooner in your development cycle.
Housekeeping details:
Question | Answer |
Is there a plan to extend this feature to Azure devops git? | Yes, we have Azure DevOps on our list. |
Is this available for AMS 6.5 Cloud Manager too? Or only AEMaaCS? | Works for both AMS and CS solutions |
do the build checks also test if there is a problem in the ui.content mutable content package ? | no. at build step we run Sonar, Oak and Dispatcher validations |
When will other git repositories be supported ? | Which GIT vendors are you interested in. Current plan is for BitBucket and GitLab as well as Self-Hosted GIT vendors. |
Will it be beneficial for AEM FORMS ? | This feature implements Shift-Left principle which is applicable for all solutions. So yes, it will be beneficial. |
is there a way to connect Cloud Manager pipelines to our artifactory? In our case all PRs will fail if not connected to artifactory. | Yes. We already support this scenario for some time. https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t... |
Current plan is for BitBucket and GitLab as well as Self-Hosted GIT vendors. | |
From: George Taylor do the build checks also test if there is a problem in the ui.content mutable content package ? |
answer above |
is it supported for git url https://github.<company_name>.com/<repo_name>? | Not at this moment, but we are working at this scenario right now. |
When will this be supported, I don't see the repositories option in my sandbox | The feature is enabled for all customers. Try to go to Repositories -> Add Repository. Here you should have the option to add a private git repository. |
Is there an anticipated timeline for when this will roll out to Bitbucket as well? | Pretty soon. We are working to integrate Bitbucket right now. |
is this for new licenses or for existing licenses? | For all licenses |
Does this work for customers having multi tenant setup (git submodules) ? | Yes, but you need to point the git submodules to github repositories. You can't mix 2 git vendors. |
If I understand it correct, it works with github private/public repos for now. Any update on github enterprise repos? | In the works |
In case of a multi tenant clients, we still have to maintain a multimodule project that is deployed via pipeline..where each module are synced from different repos. correct? | Yes, that's correct |
Does this introduce any additional delay in CM pipeline if we use the private repo? | Nothing significant |
Do you think this approach with private repos is the best practice now for all customers? Should all of the customers with Adobe git move to private repos? | This feature is aimed at Developer experience and reduce operational costs. Using customer GIT instead of Adobe GIT comes to embrace the ease of usage from development pov |
Is every pull request triggers AEM cloud build ? | it triggers a code quality pipeline |
Does the Private Github workflow work also for front-end pipelines and config pipelines? | Only full stack pipelines for now. But we plan to support all 4 pipeline types (full stack, frontend, webtier, config). |
What happens when there are 2 parallel pull requests ? | We create and start 2 different code quality pipelines that are running in parallel. |
from: Sivakumar Venkatachalam any plans to support private git Repos that were not hosted in github ? |
Yes. We plan to support multiple git vendors. Even the solutions that are hosted on the internal company network. |
Are there cases where the Adobe repo is still needed? (i.e. production deployments?) or can you completely cut out the need for the Adobe git repo in the workflow? | You can completely cut the old Adobe repository. |
If we want to exclude any Java class from code coverage, how to achieve that in Adobe GIT | Currently, only GITHUB public/private repos work with this feature |
How many parallel PR can be run for check? | You can run up to 50 checks per hour, but we are flexible on these limit. |
Those checks which cloud manager did, those checks are predefined or have to set it up? | predefined |
what happened to the pipeline for rejected and deleted PR | the pipeline will be deleted from CM |
Is it support Amazon ECR as well ? | No |
Adobe documentation indicates Web tier and config pipelines are not supported. Is there a plan to support these pipelines in the future? | Yes. Webtier is the next in line and we already working on it. |
Do we have documentation for this implementation for Adobe Managed Services (AMS) AEM 6.5 solution? | https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/usi... |
Does this solution have any known limitations | All solutions have limitations. Depends what you are interested in. |
Can a developer run the Quality Gate checks without running any pipeline, thus even shifting further left? | What is the problem we want to achieve? |
If we want to exclude any Java class from jacoco code coverage, how to achieve this in Adobe GIT | |
Do we have option to disable "Code quality build pipeline" on every pull request ? | Yes, is configurable |
From: RAJASHANKAR What kind of access does the CM needs to access the corp github.Just readonly or Read and Write |
read only on code and write on pull requests |
can we restrict access of github code repo added to cloud manager if user is having cloud manager access( dont want to allow downloading/cloning of code) | The users that can access CM don't have the option to clone the repository locally. |
Would like to be part of evaluation for CM x Bitbucket (self hosted) testing. | Can you please share customer name? |
what is the timeline to include the web tiers and config pipelines? | Currently we do not have the exact timeline but is in near scope |
Can you describe any usecase for AEM FORMS ? How to achieve errors in forms before running pipeline | |
How I can have with github enterprise instead of GitHub.com ? | Was answered above. GitHub enterprise is on the plan for this year |
Is it possible to integrate the private repository which is only available in a company intranet, but not accessible over the internet? | Which vendor? Is self-hosted? |
When will it be rolled out to on prem bitbucket integration ? | Yes |
What happens if GitHub has an outage? Who is responsible for any customer's operational, business, or financial impacts of a delayed deployment? | The GitHub relation is owned by the customer. So, they know better what they've agreed |
where does the build happen before deployment? GitHub or CM? | CM |
does it work with private repository inside our github organisaztion? | Private repo for this feature means the GitHub Cloud Service which offers private or public repos. |
Very useful session. Thank you! | Thank you for attending |
Is this setup only for code quality? Or deployment? | You can use the github repository as a git source for any pipeline, even for the ones that are doing depoyments. |
Where does Prod pipeline approval take place? | That functionality didn't changed. It is in the same place like before. We only changed the source of the git repository. |
Do git changes trigger supported? | What "supported" means? |
this was miss to answer - "do the build checks also test if there is a problem in the ui.content mutable content package ?" |
no. at build step we run Sonar, Oak and Dispatcher validations |
Will this work for multi tenant repositories? | Does this refer to using git sub modules with different git vendors? |
Does this support the build of a repository which is dependent on multiple other AEM repositories? How does that work? | Yes. Using git submodules |
I know you mentioned that Web tier and Config pipelines are not supported, what about Front-End pipelines? | works already |
Is there a way to build and deploy only one module in a module project. which has the code push? | No. We build everything that it is on the git repository, even if the PR has changes only on 1 maven module. |
Wednesday, July 31, 2024, | 8 am PDT OR 5 pm CEST OR 8.30 pm IST
Dragos Calin, Software Development Engineer at Adobe
Hi - Could you please confirm when this event is scheduled? The given time slot appears to be in the past. Thx
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It is on July 31st. I have edited the post. Thank you!!
Supporting Doc : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/usi...
Our organization plans to migrate to github.com however not the typical public/private repos managed at github.com's org level, but the SAAS model or the github.com for enterprise where URLs mostly start in format below. Access is by default allowed only inside the organization and not over the internet. Typically developers login using SAML within the organization. Will this even be accessible for Cloud Manager to checkout the code?
Mahidhar Ch
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