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We have 6 publishers for our website when we are trying to access a non existing page it is throwing 500 error in 3 publishers and 404 error in 3 publishers. The configuration is same for all the publishers and the error pages are available in the publishers.
ErrorPageHandlerImpl is available.
In the error logs we are getting Sling Uncaught throwable error
Can someone suggest what could be the issue?
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Are you hitting the publishers directly (without the dispatcher in front of them)? This could be a cache issue if you're using a CDN or dispatcher. Another possibility is that some content is missing in the publishers where the 500 error is appearing, which could be causing the issue instead of a 404. Could you share more details about what you are seeing in the logs?
If I hit the publishers directly or the live path also same error. I cleared the dispatcher cache also
And the error I received in the log is
GET /content/page/test.html org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service : Uncaught Throwable
hi @HelpTech
Without more context from you, I can think of two possibilities:
- Either you previously had the page and you removed it. In this case you will need to re-check to see if the page might still exist, either in cash or in AEM per se, for those 3 publishers that return 500 ? It sounds like that the page still exist but the code behind them fails, making the server to crash.
- Or, the page never existed, in which case some extra logs or details from you might help, cause' is hard to guess what might be happening.
Hi @Tethich
1. The page we are trying to access is the deleted page. And I checked the page in those three publishers its not available.
And the error I received in the log is
GET /content/page/test.html org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service : Uncaught Throwable
Ok, so you are in case 1, when the page previously existed but you deleted it. So we may think that cache could be involved. Can you try to disable cache and see how it goes ?
@HelpTech can you pls share more details, like type of aem deployment (AEM on-prem or AMS or Cloud) , do you have access to publisher crx/de, have u checked jcr repp for page existence? Can you pls share logs?
We are using 6.5 version of AEM, yes I have access to crx of the publishers. I checked the page existance
@HelpTech Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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