I have imported my maven project into eclipse and using "install new software" option(comes under Help) I have added AEM Server(Name - AEM & Location - https://eclipse.adobe.com/). After that when I opened AEM as Perspective, I could see this option - No Servers are available. Click this link to create new server to create new server. There I have selected Adobe Experience Manager from Adobe and gave Server host name and server name. But in the next page instead of showing the resources from my imported project, it is empty and showing - There are No resources that can be added or removed from the server.
I am able to build my project without any issue, but not able to install AEM Developer tools.
I am using eclipse - Version: 2020-09 (4.17.0) and Maven - version 3.9.0 and I tried with latest version of eclipse as well. I tried many things - reinstalling the eclipse, re-importing the projects, adding maven plugins from marketplace etc, but nothing is working so far.
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Please find the link to setup AEM in eclipse: https://www.aemcq5tutorials.com/tutorials/configure-aem-plugin-for-eclipse. If you still see the issue, share the screenshot.
Hope it helps!
Kiran Vedantam.
Hi Kiran,
I followed the steps from the documentation, but still same issue. Please see the screenshots;
After click on finish does it add the server in workspace? And if yes then right click on server and click on Add and Remove. Add required modules on the server and click Finnish.
make sure you have selected AEM perspective.
Hi Prakash,
Server is getting added without any resources. I tried to add the resources as you suggested, but I am getting below message(PFB screenshot). I tried to add the resources before and after server starting.
do you see Maven project on top left in project explorer?
Yes, I can see the maven project in the Project explorer.
Can you trying the clean and build the project from eclipse. You will get this option from eclipse project menu, clean and then build. Try re-importing the project by deleting the project from workspace and check if you are now able to add the projects to server .
Even after that it doesn’t works then do this
To resolve invalid dependencies and project definition proceed as follows:
Hi Prakash,
I tried your suggestion, but still the issue persist.
It seems your project import is not correct. Please confirm if you added the project in this way.
In Eclipse, choose File > Import…
In the Import Dialog, choose Maven > Existing Maven Projects, then click “Next”.
If that the case can you please share the screenshot or try resolving this using https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/developing/devtools/aem-eclipse.html?l...
Hi Prakash,
PFB screenshts;
Hi All,
Since I can't add my project resources to Server, I got an alternative way. This might be useful to someone else in the future.
After successfully building the entire code base, I am manually installing the below Jar files into my local AEM instance using http://localhost:4502/system/console/bundles
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