I am Jhansi Lavanya. I have registered for AD0-E123 Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional Certification exam. I want to take practice test in Adobe Certification Exam Prep Portal before attempting my Certification exam. But there is no practice test available for AD0-E123 Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional. Could u please help us by providing the practice test link for ADO-E123 Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional and some reference study materials to prepare for exam.
Thanks & Regards,
Jhansi Lavanya Matcha.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Please use these links , it will be helpful-
ref. https://express.adobe.com/page/DEXF9MMfGc74P/
All the best.
Please use these links , it will be helpful-
ref. https://express.adobe.com/page/DEXF9MMfGc74P/
All the best.
Thank you
Above URL's are now changed... Start checking out here going forward...in the Adobe Certification portal.
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Recommended training courses and study materials:
Adobe Experience Manager Tutorials
** This is provided in the Certification documentation only. https://express.adobe.com/page/wmEF6wQ6rjrQX/
The sample questions allow you to see the type and format of items that you will encounter in the actual exam. There is no sign-on needed. The results of the sample questions are not stored, and do not predict your actual test results.
AD3-E123 Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional Sample Questions
Thank you!
New URL's ... Start checking out here going forward...in the Adobe Certification portal for respective Adobe certifications. Below URL points to ACP Developer AEM Sites exam - AD0-E123
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