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Persist user login event after browser restart?


Level 2

Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing well.

we are using saml to authenticate user in our application. we have a scenario, where user want their login alive even after the browser close and open again. Is it possible in AEM? If we use cookie to store the saml response, is there a way to authenticate the user with the saml stored in cookie?

Thanks in advance..!

4 Replies



Checking internally!!

Kautuk Sahni


Level 10

After browser close user logs out because the cookie which is set is session cookie.

Session cookies is erased by browser when you close it.

If you can have a cookie with expire time, it will work. May be by modifying / extending current implementation.

Such use case cannot be achieved with session cookie


Level 2

Hi Edubey,

Thank you for your response. I am facing the same issue posted earlier( Persisting User Login/Session ). Which day care were unable to assist. So I am wondering, is there any possible way to achieve this. Can you please give some additional details on the implementation part of it?



Level 2

Found the solution for this issue:

1. update the session time out value in osgi configuration "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.security.authentication.token.TokenConfigurationImpl"

2. add the below line in dispatcher file

"Header edit Set-Cookie ^(login-token.*)$ $1;max-age=<time-out-value>"