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Parse Secure PDF file in AEM6.0


Level 4


Please anyone help me to parse the secured PDF file which is not password protected but secured with the permissions.

Thank you in advance

5 Replies


Level 10

I do not think this is supported in AEM.

See the AEM Document services documentation for information on supported operations involving PDF: 


Hope this helps


Level 4

Thank you

Is there anyway to parse the Secured PDF file as the parsing is working fine in legacy system.

Please let me know if you have any other link or code to share.

Thanks alot once again




You can try using

1. TIKA Library.

Link:- http://www.tutorialspoint.com/tika/tika_extracting_pdf.htm


2. iTextSharp Library

Link:-  http://sourceforge.net/projects/itextsharp/

3. PDFBox Library

Link:- http://pdfbox.apache.org/


4. You can take Adobe's PDFLSDK, ( The Adobe PDF Library SDK is a low-level PDF library that contains a powerful set of native C/C++ APIs with interfaces for .NET and Java APIs. Systems integrators, independent software vendors (ISVs), enterprise IT developers, and others can integrate Adobe PDF functionality within custom applications in a client and / or server environment. )

Link:- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-custom-experience-manager-pdf.html 

// Creating a custom Adobe Experience Manager PDF service


Note:- Once there is protection/Security then the file or content in file gets encrypted. If it is allowed to access secure content as per PDF standard ( http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html ) then only we can do so. Else it would not be possible.


I hope this would help you.

Thanks and Regards

Kautuk Sahni

Kautuk Sahni


Level 4

Hi Kautuk,

Thank you for sharing the links but these link doesnt help me to get the content of the secured PDF files.

Please help me out to get the content of the secured PDF files.

Thank you

Sumit Singhal


Level 10

Kautuk was suggesting that in order to do this - you would have to use a 3rd party PDF JAVA lib that supports this operation and build a custom AEM service that knows how to extract data from a secured PDF.

As I stated - the AEM Docuemnt Service operations that come with AEM does not support this. That is why you would need to build a custom service using a custom PDF lib. 

If this is mission critical - you can contact Adobe consulting. They can help.