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Page view diff not working in AEM 6.3 / How to add custom components/templates to function for Page view diff?


Level 4

Any thoughts on having page diff work for non-editable static templates and custom content components in AEM 6.3?


Any examples or libraries to refer?


FYI we're white listing the bundles(using "apache sling login admin whitelist configuration fragment") instead of creating a system user. Read that system user creation will help to take the permissions of versionHistory node for page diff.(https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/6-3/sites/developing/using/pagediff.html#main-pars_header)

3 Replies


Employee Advisor


Level 4
I believe that document is for customizing the way they're rendered... In my case version of the page is creating under tmp/versionHistory but it is giving a sling exception "cannot be correctly instantiated by the Use API unable to render page". Believe there is some problem rendering the page


Level 4

Any thoughts, let me know if we need to add or create anything for custom components to show the difference if it haven't worked OOTB.