Recently I update my Page Template. I removed a Component and added another component. In Local It's working fine. But in the AEM Cloud It's showing me old and new component both together.
As I found out that it's overlapping each other
Page Template Structure
So before experiencefragment that is old component over there. We don't have CRXDE in AEM Cloud to remove that.
In the ui.content filter.xml I added this code
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Hi @ashikg3
Along with your component update can you also update the cq:lastModified property. With your new filter ideally the code should have been replaced and in this case new last modified date should be available while you navigate through the sites console. This will ensure that you filter is working fine and then you can check with adobe for any possibly caching issues at the server level.
If the lastModified is also not getting updated then it could another include or exclude filter that overrides this one with a different mode.
Hope this helps to start your troubleshooting
Hey Thank You. I just troubleshoot LastModified not showing. It's say update one month ago
I just found another code in filter.xml
Hi @ashikg3,
You can try to filter out the parent-page-template from the /conf/[site-name] filter.
<filter root="/conf/[site-name]" mode="update">
<exclude pattern="/conf/[site-name]/settings/wcm/templates/product-page-template" />
<filter root="/conf/[site-name]/settings/wcm/templates/product-page-template" mode="replace"/>
Thank You Sabuj Brother. Let me try and see if it's working.
Same Result
Hi @ashikg3
The filter rule for a specific folder should be before the general rule.
In your case have the specific rule first
<filter root="/conf/[site-name]/settings/wcm/templates/product-page-template" mode="replace"/>
then you can have the general rule with exclude pattern
Please refer the below link also
Sure Let me Try