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Page Properties cloud service tab not reading /conf cloud services AEM 6.4.1


Level 4

Hi team,


I am working on AEM 6.4 we have created few cloud configs(like facebook and twitter connect) and expecting that should be visible in page properties cloud config dropdown but they are not visible there is already 1 thread for same discussion 




Can someone please let us know if there is any configuration required to read the configs from /conf instead of /etc


Thanks in advance.



Sahil garg.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

Hey Sahil,

As mentioned by Sunjot, the configurations are now stored under the node /conf/<my-app>/settings/cloudconfigs/<cloud_service>.

Go to Sites, select your application root, and click properties. Note that a cloud configuration value is found under the advanced tab. Clicking on the cloud configuration field brings up a conf browser. Select the configuration folder that was created earlier on (my-app).

Cloud Service tab is still used for legacy cloud services (i.e. cloud services that have not moved to /conf and whose configs continue to reside in /etc/cloudconfigs).




View solution in original post

6 Replies



* Did you upgrade from AEM 6.3 or below? If yes, did you perform Repository Restructuring[1] after performing In-Place upgrade?

* Did you have any configs under /etc/cloudservices?

If you have any old configs under /etc, copy/move those configs to /conf folder as per [1], delete the ones under /etc and then restart the Restart the OSGi Component related to them.


Let me know if it helps resolve the issue.



[1] https://helpx.adobe.com/ca/experience-manager/6-4/sites/deploying/using/repository-restructuring-in-...



Correct answer by

Hey Sahil,

As mentioned by Sunjot, the configurations are now stored under the node /conf/<my-app>/settings/cloudconfigs/<cloud_service>.

Go to Sites, select your application root, and click properties. Note that a cloud configuration value is found under the advanced tab. Clicking on the cloud configuration field brings up a conf browser. Select the configuration folder that was created earlier on (my-app).

Cloud Service tab is still used for legacy cloud services (i.e. cloud services that have not moved to /conf and whose configs continue to reside in /etc/cloudconfigs).





Level 4

Hi Sunjot/Vish


This is the fresh instance of AEM 6.4 and fresh project only we are not doing the migration and i also verified that there are no configurations inside the /etc/cloudservices and my configs which i created from Touch UI tool are successfully created under /conf/<project>/settings only but still i am not able to see those configurations in page properties. 





Can you please try to recreate at your end as well. As i have tried on AEM 6.5 as well and same issue facing . Any help will be really appreciated.



You just need to change the value of "Cloud configuration" field to point to your project configs. Currently, the value is set to conf/we-retail. Change it to /conf/<project>


Level 4

Hi Vish 


I am working on we-retail only to recreate the issue.


My configs are also present inside the /conf/we-retail only.


Please suggest.


Level 2
Hi @Vish_dhaliwal, I am having a similar issue. I have one question regarding behavior of Cloud Config. Earlier in Page properties, in Cloud Services tab we had an option to select individual cloud services which were residing in /etc. Now with the repo restructuring all cloud services sit under /conf. In AEM 6.5 we have an option under the advance tab to configure cloud services. But here we specify path of the cloud config folder under conf. Does this mean all the config under /conf/<my-project> will be applied to my project and I wont have flexibility to select between Cloud Services?