We're seeing an issue with our connection pooling and i just wanted to see if anyone else had ever run into this problem. The first few people to log in in the morning receive error messages when trying to open a page because it appears that our database connections in the pool seem to expire or die overnight. When the users hit them in the morning they throw messages such as -
No more data to read from socket
IO Error: Broken pipe
Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12516, TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack
However, it looks like when they do try to use a dead connection it is cleared out of the pool. After enough page refreshes the pool clears itself of all faulty connections and the site begins to work normally. Has anyone ever heard of or experienced anything like this? It doesn't appear to be an issue with our database machine as other non-cq applications have no trouble.