Hi team,
We're exploring the recommendation activity, but I found that I can only return multiple recommended products in one design/offer. Is there any way for me to return one design/offer for each of the recommended products?
Topics help categorize Community content and increase your ability to discover relevant content.
your recommendation derive from your filtering criteria, so read through https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/introduction-to-recommendations... for better understanding.
Thanks, but I don't understand how this is related to my question. I am asking about the way the recommended items are displayed. I am now using the target delivery API and if I want to retrieve 2 recommended items, the response will look like the following:
"status": 200,
"requestId": "...",
"client": "...",
"id": {
"tntId": "...",
"marketingCloudVisitorId": "..."
"edgeHost": "...",
"telemetryServerToken": "...",
"execute": {
"mboxes": [
"index": 1,
"name": "...",
"options": [
"content": " \n\n { \n \"notes\":{ \n \"purpose\": \"Return a simple list of recommended entity ids\", \n \"use-case\": \"Use this approach if you prefer to do a real-time lookup of entity attribute details (such as inventory, price, rating) from another system (such as a CMS, PIM or ecommerce platform)\", \n \"version\": \"01\" ,\n \"criteria\": \"Similar content for test purpose\"\n }, \n \"recommendedItems\": { \n \"slot-01\": \"item1\",\n\"category-01\": \"[c1]\",\n\"msg-01\":\"message 1\",\n\"slot-02\": \"item2\",\n\"category-02\": \"[c2]\",\n\"msg-02\":\"message 2\"\n\n } \n } ",
"type": "html",
"responseTokens": {
"offer.name": "...",
"experience.id": "1",
"activity.name": "...",
"profile.batchDt": "...",
"activity.id": "...",
"activity.decisioningMethod": "server-side",
"experience.name": "...",
"offer.id": "..."
"sourceType": "target"
The array of "options" has only one object, meaning only one offer is returned. I will have to include the 2 items inside this offer/design. My question is whether there's any way for me to return the 2 items in two offers/designs, one offer for each item. Therefore in the above case, there will be two objects in the array of "options".