Hi All,
Recently we have migrated from AEM 6.2 to 6.4,when we upload an image/asset to DAM, renditions/original thumbnail view is not showing up instead it is showing up ".thumb.319.319.png" thumbnail view.
Is there any way to use renditions/original for DAM assets without overlay/overriding OOTB code.
We are using below versions in POM.xml but when i check in felix console, cq-dam-commons version is 5.11.182 and cq-dam-api version is 5.11.70
com.day.cq.dam.cq-dam-commons - 5.6.8 version
com.day.cq.dam.cq-dam-api - 5.6.6 version
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How did you upload the asset - using a workflow, using the UI?
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Asset has been uploaded manually into the DAM using Upload process. After uploading the asset to DAM some default renditions are getting creating but our issue is not about renditions.
Our Exact Issue: Why in AEM 6.4 for thumbnail view of image it is using 319*319 rendition path instead of renditions/original path which is working fine AEM 6.2. Is there any kind of service packs we have to install?
When we check in DOM, i see that image path of thumbnail view in card view/list view/column view is something like below
Expected: /content/dam/project/testimage.jpg/_jcr_content/renditions/original (Which is as per AEM 6.2)
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If you are asking about the Asset Card view display in the Touch UI then yes it should render a thumbnail of 319X319 size. Why do you would like to use original image for card view display ? Isn't that going to be a performance issue. If in 6.2 it was rendering original images then it should be a bug because it does not make sense to display original images for card view.
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On 6.2 also you should see a rendition only instead of the original image. something like 1280.1280 one or the one whose width is nearer to given width. I just figured out that as soon as you upload the image on 6.2 , for a moment while the image is being processed, it shows you the path of original because its still creating different renditions. Once the renditions are created, and if we reload the page again, it displays the 1280 rendition.
or while uploading image to 6.2, you must have disabled the update asset workflow launcher.
See the comparison in the getThumbnailUrl method in 6.2 and 6.4
You need not do any changes or overlaying. And moreover why do you want to show the original image when the rendition is available ?
Also please mention if the images in your 6.2 instance had renditions or not?
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Hi there,
We have encountered with similar issue, in AEM as a CS. In our case the renditions we generated contains watermark. So we have to show the original rendition only, which is not happening.
Any pointers much appreciated.
Srikanth K
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