Hello all! The community has been very helpful with past issues, so I figured I'd bring this one here as well - Perhaps you'll all have some ideas.
I've seen a lot of people with EMailNotificationService or various other workflow-email-related issues that are typically configuration errors resolved by adjusting the configs... however all of our configurations on the problem instance are cloned from an instance where email notifications are working. That said, I don't believe this is a configuration issue like the others that I've seen. The error is produced from an internal CQ jar that I can't seem to find documented.
Steps to produce:
Error while sending email. com.day.cq.workflow.impl.email.EMailNotificationService
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.day.cq.workflow.impl.email.EMailNotificationService.sendNotification(EMailNotificationService.java:238)
at com.day.cq.workflow.impl.email.EMailNotificationService$EventProcessor.run(EMailNotificationService.java:551)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
As I mentioned, this author instance is cloned from an author instance where the configurations are identical, and the workflow emails are sending properly... So I'm at a loss for what might cause this. Any insight is appreciated, and I'm happy to work with suggested configuration adjustments if needed as this is on a staging environment clone.
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The error stack trace should uncover where the null is initialed passed to the EmailNotificationService, can you check or post the complete stack trace and not only the initial lines?
Well, that's the thing... This is all that is being posted in the log.
Is this AEMaaCS? if so, can you try to get the full log? You can learn here how to download it: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/using-...
Not on AEMaaCS, this is AMS/ACM. Regardless, going to see about accessing to grab the error.log.
Have you tried restarting the instance
Seems to solve many config problems
The old tried and true. This was the first thing we tried though!
Hello @JaredAtUD
Hello @JaredAtUD -
Also, from the basic troubleshooting standpoint could you please validate :
Will see about grabbing the full error.log.
...validate :
Since, it’s not a prod environment, can you check the log level to debug mode and try to run the workflow for smtp mail trigger? This will give you more detailed information on the issue.
Sometime it requires to whitelist your aem instance in address on smtp side fir this functionality to work. Can you check internally it was done past fir the prod environment
Setting the log level to debug does not appear to generate any additional log output information. Wondering if I'm missing something in the configuration there... but otherwise nothing sticks out? Same error as in the original post is present, nothing more.
For anyone stumbling across this in the future still looking for an answer, a support rep replied to my ticket and suggested this is a known issue with SP17 on 6.5.
Ref: CQ-4353652
Good luck all!