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Not seeing source edit and other features in the dialog of core text component


Level 4

I have installed aem core components package (version 1.1.0) on my 6.3 local instance. This package has all the v1 components. For the text component, I don't see  a lot of features within the rich text editor. For eg, I dont see source editor, copy paste options, find& replace options etc. I have gone to design mode and have enabled all the features within the design dialog of the component as shown in below picture.


But still I dont see a lot of options in the rich text editor as shown in the below image. Am I missing anything here ?


6 Replies


Level 4

Could someone please help me with the above query ?


Level 10

To get the different RTE plug-ins, modify the dialog by adding the plugin nodes - as discussed here -- Scott's Digital Community: Configuring Experience Manager Rich Text Editor Plugins in a Touch UI Com...


Level 10

Ratna Kumar​ - more to add?


Level 10

Hi Rohit,

Make sure you add uiSettings node to get the plugins in the RTE as described in the article: Configuring Experience Manager Rich Text Editor Plugins in a Touch UI Component Dialog


Ratna Kumar.


Level 4

yup for that I need to customize the AEM core components. However as per adobe docs, by default the AEM core text component will have all the inbuilt rte plugins present for all the features.


Level 10

Hi Rohit,

You can add plugins to the node dialog.

See this HELPX article and having the demo package which you can install and check the same: Configuring Experience Manager Rich Text Editor Plugins in a Touch UI Component Dialog

Hope this helps!!


Ratna Kumar.