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Not able to see Touch UI Workflow Model and Entries in AEM 6.5


Level 2

Hi Team,

I am not able to see the workflow model entries in Classic UI, not sure why this is showing blank.

and how to debug this?

Classic UI.png
Whereas the models are showing up in Touch UI. Below are the environment details.

AEM : 6.5
Service Pack 6.5.15 (latest)

Could this be any customized company code affecting?


4 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @VK35,


I have checked in 6.5.15 and I am able to see Workflow Models in both Classic and Touch UI.


Can you please check if all the bundles are active. Are you seeing any error in console or error.logs related to this?


Level 2

Hi @ChitraMadan 

Yes all the bundles are active and strangely I don't see any errors or warnings in the logs.
 Below is bundles screenshot.


Initially it was loading fine and I suspect if it was breaking after the custom code installation but not sure how to troubleshoot these kind of issues.



Community Advisor

@VK35 :


Can you check in your code , did they overlay the below component and made changes:




I have tried , making changes to above jsp to not to display the workflow models, yes it is not showing in classic UI, although its showing in Touch UI.






Level 2

Hi @SivakumarKanoori 

Yes I have checked the code and able to figure out the root cause for this issue.

Our internal code bundle is using the class by calling the "HttpAsyncClient OSGI bundle" which was causing.
HttpAsyncClient bundle.png
So, when I kept those both bundles in "Resolved" status the classic UI workflow models entries are showing up.
