I am trying to run the example from : https://helpx.adobe.com/livecycle/help/aem/aem-livecycle-connector.html#Invoking%20via%20Service%20R...
Here's the package download link on that page: https://helpx.adobe.com/content/help/en/livecycle/help/aem/aem-livecycle-connector/_jcr_content/main...
Its a simple form that converts a word doc into pdf but i am not able to run it.
I tried to trace the issue in the log and disabled few Validation components to get around HTTP 403.
But now it errors out with and am stuck. Please advise. Please find the stacktrace from errors.log
12.08.2015 11:06:02.198 *INFO* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1439395562195] POST /content/livecycle/connector/samples/pdfg.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector I/O exception (java.net.ConnectException) caught when processing request: Connection refused 12.08.2015 11:06:02.198 *INFO* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1439395562195] POST /content/livecycle/connector/samples/pdfg.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector Retrying request 12.08.2015 11:06:02.198 *INFO* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1439395562195] POST /content/livecycle/connector/samples/pdfg.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector I/O exception (java.net.ConnectException) caught when processing request: Connection refused 12.08.2015 11:06:02.198 *INFO* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1439395562195] POST /content/livecycle/connector/samples/pdfg.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector Retrying request 12.08.2015 11:06:02.198 *INFO* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1439395562195] POST /content/livecycle/connector/samples/pdfg.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector I/O exception (java.net.ConnectException) caught when processing request: Connection refused 12.08.2015 11:06:02.198 *INFO* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1439395562195] POST /content/livecycle/connector/samples/pdfg.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector Retrying request 12.08.2015 11:06:02.199 *ERROR* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1439395562195] POST /content/livecycle/connector/samples/pdfg.html HTTP/1.1] apps.livecycle.connector.samples.pdfg.POST$jsp Error occured while converting document to PDF com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSCRuntimeException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused at com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.soap.AbstractHttpInvocationRequestExecutor.executeRequest(AbstractHttpInvocationRequestExecutor.java:73) at com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.soap.CommonsClientMessageDispatcherFactory$CommonsClientMessageDispatcher.doSend(CommonsClientMessageDispatcherFactory.java:121) at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.impl.base.AbstractMessageDispatcher.send(AbstractMessageDispatcher.java:69) at com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.MessageDispatcherProxy$InvocationInterceptorChainImpl.doIntercept(MessageDispatcherProxy.java:64) at com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.ClassLoaderInterceptor.intercept(ClassLoaderInterceptor.java:34) at com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.MessageDispatcherProxy$InvocationInterceptorChainImpl.doIntercept(MessageDispatcherProxy.java:60) at com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.security.SecurityInterceptor.intercept(SecurityInterceptor.java:128) at com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.MessageDispatcherProxy$InvocationInterceptorChainImpl.doIntercept(MessageDispatcherProxy.java:60) at com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.RequestProgressInterceptor.intercept(RequestProgressInterceptor.java:41) at com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.MessageDispatcherProxy$InvocationInterceptorChainImpl.doIntercept(MessageDispatcherProxy.java:60) at com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.MessageDispatcherProxy.send(MessageDispatcherProxy.java:41) at com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClient.invoke(ServiceClient.java:213) at com.adobe.livecycle.generatepdf.client.GeneratePdfServiceClient.createPDF2(GeneratePdfServiceClient.java:620) at org.apache.jsp.apps.livecycle.connector.samples.pdfg.POST_jsp$1.run(POST_jsp.java:43)
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Unless I am completely mistaken, the package you have installed allows you to invoke services on a LiveCycle ES4 Server. So you need a standalone LiveCycle ES4 server running. From "http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/11.0/Overview/lc_overview_ds.pdf":
Integration with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)
LiveCycle provides a rich client SDK that allows client applications to invoke LiveCycle services using Java APIs. You can invoke LiveCycle Document Services from within Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) web apps and workflows using AEM LiveCycle Conenctor. It simplifies using these APIs within the OSGi environment and enables seamless invocation of LiveCycle Services.
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From this exception:
Is your LifeCycle server definitely up and running?
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How do i check the status of my LifeCycle server? And how do i know which port it is running on?
I checked various configurations and services in console but i couldn't find it.
Appreciate your help!
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From the link you posted[1], the article explains "Adobe® Experience Manager (AEM) LiveCycle Connector enables seamless invocation of Adobe® LiveCycle® ES4 Document Services from within AEM web apps and workflows."
Do you have a lifecycle server running?
So you need a LiveCycle instance to connect to. In the Getting started section of the article, it states you need to configure the OSGI settings for "Adobe LiveCycle Client SDK Configuration Component":
The details required are:
Although the properties are self explanatory, the important ones are as follows:
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I checked for GeneratePDFService in Components and Services and it was present. I assumed that LiveCycle services are running since GeneratePDFService is part of the SDK. Here's the service from service section :
component.id | 2372 |
component.name | com.adobe.pdfg.impl.GeneratePDFServiceImpl |
htmlToPdfFactory.target | (bmc.service.name=HtmlToPdfSvc) |
imageToPdfFactory.target | (bmc.service.name=Img2PDFSvc) |
nativeToPdfFactory.target | (bmc.service.name=Native2PDFSvc) |
openOfficeToPdfFactory.target | (bmc.service.name=OpenOffice2PDFSvc) |
paperCaptureFactory.target | (bmc.service.name=PaperCaptureSvc) |
pdfMakerFactory.target | (bmc.service.name=PDFMakerSvc) |
service.bundleid | 490 |
Service PID | com.adobe.pdfg.impl.GeneratePDFServiceImpl |
service.scope | bundle |
Service Vendor | Adobe Systems |
swfToPdfFactory.target | (bmc.service.name=Swf2PDFSvc) |
Using Bundles | adobe-aemfd-pdfg-config (489) |
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Unless I am completely mistaken, the package you have installed allows you to invoke services on a LiveCycle ES4 Server. So you need a standalone LiveCycle ES4 server running. From "http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/11.0/Overview/lc_overview_ds.pdf":
Integration with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)
LiveCycle provides a rich client SDK that allows client applications to invoke LiveCycle services using Java APIs. You can invoke LiveCycle Document Services from within Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) web apps and workflows using AEM LiveCycle Conenctor. It simplifies using these APIs within the OSGi environment and enables seamless invocation of LiveCycle Services.
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@Opkar Gill That's true. Thanks a lot clarifying. I was investigating and found the same. Its a standalone server that needs to be installed in order to use the Document services.
I presumed that LiveCycle was bundled with AEM.
I wonder what the com.adobe.pdfg.service.api.GeneratePDFService is then?
My eventual goal is to use some kind of PDF conversion service. Does AEM have anything out of the box?
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are you talking about converting the AEM pages into pdf ? or a word doc asset into pdf ?
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LiveCycle ES is not bundled with AEM.
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If its from word doc to pdf, you can use some 3rd party APIs like JODConverter or OpenOffice
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@smacdonald2008 Thanks for confirming!
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So, based on the suggestions in this thread, i went ahead to download LiveCycle trial. But it seems all the LiveCycle feature are now accommodated in AEM.
The same dependable features that you have come to appreciate in LiveCycle are now available in Adobe Experience Manager forms (AEM forms) and so much more. AEM forms can transform complex enterprise forms and processes into simple engaging digital experiences, anytime, anywhere, on any device. For more information go to: www.adobe.com/go/aemforms
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Word doc and other MIME types into pdf. I have a list actually :
GIF, ONG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, txt/plain, txt/html, txt/csv, txt/tab separated, eml, Pdf
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Hi Anup,
in 6.1 PDF Generation is part of AEM Forms as you have seen, please check out the links below:
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Hi Anup,
as bsloki said, you can use 3rd party libraries to generate PDF's. Here is an article for CQ5.6[1]
I think what you are looking for is Document Services [2] if using AEM6
[1] https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-custom-experience-manager-pdf.html
[2] https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6/overview-aem-document-services.html
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Thanks Opkar..
This looks like it. It states - "can easily convert documents created within the organization to Adobe PDF files that can be viewed using the ubiquitous Adobe Reader® software."
Thanks for sharing the links. Looks promising. I will look for LiveCycle like APIs for pdf conversion since i need to do this programatically.
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No problem Anup,
if you have any specific questions, please head over to the AEM Forms forum where you will get some expert advice
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