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Minified js file , not understandable


Level 7

I have installed one packge now i need to customise the OOTB functionality for that i need to chnage js .

But js which are in libs folder are minified version ..written in one line whole code and node proper varibel naming convention and its like a b c d e kind variable which is minfied version of any js file,...and its very difficult to work on that and understand that even is there any way when we isntall that packae in my aem pacakge manager it should nt give minified version of that js  I need proper js formatted code with proper naming convention variables ......

In lower version of same pacakge i m gettinmg the proper js not minified one ...wat we can do ?

Please suggest .

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by


no longer works post AEM 6.4 due to changes in where compiled things exist. In the past they were under /var in the repository, now it's under the outputcache in the filesystem. That flag no longer works as you'd expect.

View solution in original post

10 Replies


Community Advisor


You can add ?debugClientlibs=true param at the end of the url to load individual files


Hope this helps!


Community Advisor

Please update below configuration so that files will not be shown in minified version-


Post which if you will load your page clientlibs won't be in minified version.


Community Advisor

If you enable debug checkbox then individual files you can see in console-


Now access the page like below-


You will be able to see individual files in console as below-


If they are coming in minified version uncheck minify checkbox as above-

Hope this helps.


Level 7

I have already tried all this... Putting debugClientLibs=true...... But it won't help because in my crx js in a one line and even putting this at the end of url itsvcoming in the same way... Bt in chrome developer tool we can use preety print curly braces options which will foormat tha js in developer tool.... That's cool... Bt I need to change in crx... I want a way... When I upload any package there all files should be proper I should nt get any js minified or something .... Changing from comfigurstiom through html library manager... Disablimg minify and all and enabling debug mode ... Won't help I tried that also...


Community Advisor

Hi AdobeID24

You can check and confirm the JS file in the package first whether it is minified or not.

It seems that the package which you're installing containing the JS file in minified version only.If yes, we can't change it to unminified version while installing through any configuration.You have to do it manually using any tool probably or look for the unminified version and replace if available.


Arpit Varshney


Level 7

arpitv27529355​ yes Arpit the same thing ..my pacakge only having minified version of js installed in libs folder ...It seems i have to look for another version of package.


Community Advisor

If it's minified then we can't do anything in aem rather you need to first convert it using some tool i thought it's not minified rather aem is minifying it.


Community Advisor

Hi AdobeID24

Yeah, i suspected the same as well.Please find unminified version if that's your requirement or convert it using any of the tools available.


Arpit Varshney


Correct answer by


no longer works post AEM 6.4 due to changes in where compiled things exist. In the past they were under /var in the repository, now it's under the outputcache in the filesystem. That flag no longer works as you'd expect.



You can use some external tool, such as:


to unminify js.

Or, you can uncheck the Minify checkbox in Adobe Granite HTML Library Manager configuration in /system/console/configMgr & save it. It shouldn't minify js.

Hope it helps.