Cloud Manager for Adobe Managed Services is able to deploy dispatcher configuration files through a GIT repository. This can make migration to AEM as a Cloud Service easier, and this post will focus on migration from this standard developed by Adobe Managed Services.
Projects generated by Adobe Managed Services Cloud Manager using the built-in wizard have the correct Maven project structure created as part of the project creation. This is the recommended path for new Managed Services customers. The Maven build should produce a zip file which contains at least two directories — conf and conf.d. This zip file can be produced using the maven-assembly-plugin.
Existing Managed Services customers not using the built in Cloud Manager wizard can also take advantage of this capability in Adobe Managed Services.
In order to migrate from Adobe Managed Service to AEM as a Cloud Service, here are step by step directions:
Download the dispatcher tools from the software distribution portal and extract them. Check the folder structure, and be sure that the immediate subfolders start with conf, conf.d, conf.dispatcher.d and conf.modules.d
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Kautuk Sahni