We are facing some issue with manual bundle deployment.
Previously it was working well but we recently configured Jenkins job to build and deploy.
Jenkins deployment is working well but in case if we do manual deployment now, code is not reflecting even after re start.
Only Jenkins deployment is working now.
Any idea,
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Can you check it is just a bundle or all the resources?
It could be possible that the version your are uploading is lower than what already installed.
We are not changing versions, but via Jenkins deployment only it is working.
And may be during manual deployment, it is not taking or overwriting existing code,
Our core bundle pom is given below.
<description>Core bundle for proj</description>
Under some mysterious circumstance a bundle will not be updated when a code package is imported via package manager. In this case you can call <address>/system/console/bundle and install the bundle manually.
Hi @Magicr ,
We are installing via system/console/bundle only manually.
Even restarting the instances post deployment. It will not work.
But via Jenkins it is working. clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
We are observing this issue mainly for Bundle.
can you check if the installation is pause for this bundle?
And Also check the jar modified date in JCR?
Hi @arunpatidar : pause installation folder is empty in our case