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<div id> tag stripped out after submitting ok button in Richtext component


Level 4


I am using OOTB rich text component. After editing the component with HTML code <div ID> tag got stripped out after submitting the ok button. Please suggest some steps or conf to retain the div ID tag.

I have tried the below steps,


1) Under /apps/<yourApplication>/my_text/dialog/items create htmlRules/serializer/config nodes of type nt:unstructured. So, will end up with /apps/<yourApplication>/my_text/dialog/items/htmlRules/serializer/config.

2) Under "config" node create idAttribMode property and set it to "keep".



I have overlayed /libs/cq/ui/rte/core/HtmlSerializer.js to apps folder and modified the idAttribMode to "keep" in "_init" function.

Both approaches are not working. Please suggest some steps or configuration to fix it.



Thanks in advance!

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