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Lock Columns in CQ.Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel


Level 2



I want to lock first 3 columns in CQ.Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel when horizontal scroll bar is enable.  

My requirement is, in Translator.html (http://localhost:4502/libs/cq/i18n/translator.html)  I wan to lock the first 3 columns in the grid.  is there any way I can customize the existing code.


Please help me how to edit the component.




1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10
7 Replies


Level 10

As its using extjs, you should be able to lock the columns. refer [1] for the example

[1] http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.0/examples/grid/locking-grid.html


Level 2
        Thanks for your quick response.  I tried with locked: true config but it is not working. Kumar



Hi Kumar Yadanaparthi 

Please find below the code snippet doing as you stated.


//java script code when your ExtJS library is loaded


Ext.onReady(function() {


    var columns = [


            text     : 'Column 1',

            dataIndex: 'column1',

            locked   : true,

            width    : 200



            text     : 'Column 2',

            dataIndex: 'column2',

            locked   : true, // ADD THIS IN COLUMN 2

            width    : 200



            text     : 'Column 3',

            dataIndex: 'column3',

            width    : 200




    var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.ArrayStore', {

        fields: [

            {name: 'column1'},

            {name: 'column2'},

            {name: 'column3'}




    var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {

        columns: [],

        enableLocking: true,

        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

        width: 600, // CHANGE THIS VALUE TO 600

        height: 300



    grid.reconfigure(store, columns);



        [ 'Row 1 Column 1', 'Row 1 Column 2', 'Row 1 Column 3' ],

        [ 'Row 2 Column 1', 'Row 2 Column 2', 'Row 2 Column 3' ]





Note: “enableLocking: true” is doing the intended.


Link: - http://jsfiddle.net/nj4nk/11/  (jsfiddle demo, IN THIS CODE WE HAVE LOCKED 1 COLUMN, BUT IF U WANT TO LOCK 2 COLUMN COPY PAST ABOVE CODE.).


I hope this would help you.


Thanks and Regards

Kautuk Sahni

Kautuk Sahni


Level 2

kautuksahni wrote...

Hi Kumar Yadanaparthi 

Please find below the code snippet doing as you stated.


//java script code when your ExtJS library is loaded


Ext.onReady(function() {


    var columns = [


            text     : 'Column 1',

            dataIndex: 'column1',

            locked   : true,

            width    : 200



            text     : 'Column 2',

            dataIndex: 'column2',

            locked   : true, // ADD THIS IN COLUMN 2

            width    : 200



            text     : 'Column 3',

            dataIndex: 'column3',

            width    : 200




    var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.ArrayStore', {

        fields: [

            {name: 'column1'},

            {name: 'column2'},

            {name: 'column3'}




    var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {

        columns: [],

        enableLocking: true,

        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

        width: 600, // CHANGE THIS VALUE TO 600

        height: 300



    grid.reconfigure(store, columns);



        [ 'Row 1 Column 1', 'Row 1 Column 2', 'Row 1 Column 3' ],

        [ 'Row 2 Column 1', 'Row 2 Column 2', 'Row 2 Column 3' ]





Note: “enableLocking: true” is doing the intended.


Link: - http://jsfiddle.net/nj4nk/11/  (jsfiddle demo, IN THIS CODE WE HAVE LOCKED 1 COLUMN, BUT IF U WANT TO LOCK 2 COLUMN COPY PAST ABOVE CODE.).


I hope this would help you.


Thanks and Regards

Kautuk Sahni






I tried this option and still columns are not locked.


My code.


In Translator.js.


I changed below method.


    var cmCfg = {
        // specify any defaults for each column
        defaults: {
            width: 120,
            sortable: true,
            renderer: toolTipRenderer
                id: 'string',
                header: "String",
                dataIndex: 'string',
                locked: true,
                width: 300
                header: "Comment",
                dataIndex: 'comment',
                width: 200

And added enableLocking: true in  grid = new CQ.Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel("..}) function.

    grid = new CQ.Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
        region: "center",
        //title: "Strings",
        margins: '5 5 5 5',
        enableLocking: true,
        selModel: new CQ.Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel(),
        autoScroll: false,



Basically I need to lock first 3 columns in translator.html as showed in attached screen..Could you please help which method I need to 


Level 2



I tried this option and still columns are not locked.


My code.


In Translator.js.


I changed below method.


    var cmCfg = {
        // specify any defaults for each column
        defaults: {
            width: 120,
            sortable: true,
            renderer: toolTipRenderer
                id: 'string',
                header: "String",
                dataIndex: 'string',
                locked: true,
                width: 300
                header: "Comment",
                dataIndex: 'comment',
                width: 200

And added enableLocking: true in  grid = new CQ.Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel("..}) function.

    grid = new CQ.Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
        region: "center",
        //title: "Strings",
        margins: '5 5 5 5',
        enableLocking: true,
        selModel: new CQ.Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel(),
        autoScroll: false,



Basically I need to lock first 3 columns in translator.html as showed in attached screen..Could you please help which method I need to overwrite.





Correct answer by
Level 10

Looks like the AEM widget data type does not have a locking method:



Level 2

Thank you.  Is there any other way I can achieve this.  Currently I am using AEM 6.0.


