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Launch Configuration ignoring staging library


Level 2

I am setting up an AEM / Analytics integration and have run into the problem that my staging configuration is being ignored on the staging server - the production configuration is always used. I've gotten around this on the staging server by using putting the incorrect (staging) URL in the production configuration. This prevents staging requests from polluting the data, but isn't ideal. I still have the problem that the production author is not using the staging library.

How does a server determine which of the configurations it should use? I would have guessed run mode, but these are set as expected - using "author", "publish", "stage", and "prod" where applicable.


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4 Replies



Ideally it should pick as per the runmodes. Can you check if there is any custom config present under /apps/my-project/config.local which may be overriding here?




Level 2
Too late - I've moved on. The client was on AMS and I don't remember setting up any additional run modes, so I'd guess no.


Level 1

I am experiencing this exact issue at the moment as well.  I do not have custom configs present under /apps/***/config.local.  Is there any other reason my stage environment would be using my prod Adobe Launch Configuration?  I really don't want to have to put my stage include URL into the prod tab.


Level 2

I'm experiencing this issue, too. There are no configs under /apps/***/config.local. Run modes are also fine. Any tips to check if the staging environment is interpreted as production environment?

Thanks and regards