This test case throws unsupported exception when using the JUNIT5 version as per below
I am instantiating the aem context at class level with below code
@ExtendWith({ AemContextExtension.class, MockitoExtension.class })
class TrashcanServletTest {
private final AemContext aemContext = new AemContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_MOCK);
Testcase method is provided here :
void testDoGetSlingHttpServletRequestSlingHttpServletResponse() throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, RepositoryException {
aemContext.create().page("/content/ey-unified-site/language-masters/en/blueprintpage2/page1", "/", "We Retail");
MockSlingHttpServletRequestmockSlingRequest = aemContext.request();
MockSlingHttpServletResponsemockSlingResponse = aemContext.response();
Resource payloadResource = mockSlingRequest.getResourceResolver().resolve("/content/ey-unified-site/language-masters/en/blueprintpage2/page1");
ResourceResolver rr = payloadResource.getResourceResolver();
Session session = rr.adaptTo(Session.class);
final AccessControlManager accessControlManager = session.getAccessControlManager();
final Privilege moveToTrashCanPrivilege = accessControlManager.privilegeFromName(Privilege.JCR_REMOVE_NODE);
if(accessControlManager.hasPrivileges(payloadResource.getPath(), new Privilege[]{moveToTrashCanPrivilege})) {
//todo use full work
This line--> final AccessControlManager accessControlManager = session.getAccessControlManager(); throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
Where as I found the test cases in below URL where JUNIT 4 class works
Mocking the accessControlMager using when() method also not resolving the issue as per below code:
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Hi @subramanya_75,
We need to
Per the code you have shared, problematic line is not using mocked AccessControlManager.
Hi @subramanya_75,
We need to
Per the code you have shared, problematic line is not using mocked AccessControlManager.
Hi @Vijayalaksmi_S,
I have marked the correct answer by mistake.
I have tried the method you have informed unfortunately it does not work.
I need to know if anyone got this issue and ableto resolve this issue.
The provided answer may work on JUNIT4 but not when using JUNIT5.
I request some one to reopen this question and get this resolved
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No worries. Can you share your complete test class if possible.
In parallel, will try to reproduce in my local.
Could you please mark this thread as unresolved.
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I modified the code as per below
at class level I have add a class level mock like below
Session session;
Then in the test case wrapped this session using the SessionWrapper provided in URL mentioned earlier. below code works
SessionWrapper wrapper = new SessionWrapper(session)
assertSame("getAccessControlManager", accessControlManager, wrapper.getAccessControlManager());
final AccessControlManager accessControlManager = session.getAccessControlManager();
final Privilege moveToTrashCanPrivilege = accessControlManager.privilegeFromName(Privilege.JCR_REMOVE_NODE);
if(accessControlManager.hasPrivileges(payloadResource.getPath(), new Privilege[]{moveToTrashCanPrivilege})) {
//todo use full work
Now the real problem is I am only passing my mocked resource to a method that actually runs above code. I need to test the method of an implementing class for which I am writing this test case.
This code session.getAccessControlManager(); is being executed in the class for which I am writing the test case, I have given this code only for illustration purposes here.
Hence I am clueless about how to implement a test case for an AEM source code classes's method that has the code that invokes session.getAccessControlManager(); and it throws UnsupportedMethodException.
How to make the accessControlManager available to the implementing class's method when I am passing the mocked resource as a parameter from my test class.
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Hi @subramanya_75,
We need to instantiate the servlet (which we need to test) in ServletTest class and invoke its doGet(req, resp) method by setting MockSlingHttpServletRequest and MockSlingHttpServletResponse.
And based on the logic you have implemented in actual doGet() method, we need to set them in AemContext or provide mock implementations for those lines of code in ServletTest class.
Is it possible for you to share the actual Servlet class.
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Everything works when code written in this test class.
Problem is occcurs when session.getAccessControlmanager() is executed in the doGet() method in the servlet for which I am writing this test case.
This is the code complete test case class for the servlet.( everything works in the testcase, but not when same code executed in servlet.
class TrashcanServletTest {
private final AemContext aemContext = new AemContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_MOCK);
//public final SlingContext aemContext = new SlingContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_OAK);
private Map<String, String> configProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
TrashcanServlet unitTestServletObj = new TrashcanServlet();
private Map<String, Object> parameterMap = null;
MockSlingSettingService settingService;
ResourceResolverFactory resolverFactory;
AccessControlManager accessControlManager;
MockitoSession mockitosession;
Session session;
ResourceResolver resourceResolver;
void setUp() throws Exception {
settingService = (MockSlingSettingService) aemContext.getService(SlingSettingsService.class);
resolverFactory = aemContext.getService(ResourceResolverFactory.class);
Set<String> runModes = new HashSet<>();
Collections.addAll(runModes, "author", "qa");
unitTestServletObj.resolverFactory = resolverFactory;
void testDoGetSlingHttpServletRequestSlingHttpServletResponse() throws Exception {
aemContext.create().page("/content/unified-site/language-masters/en/blueprintpage2/page1", "/", "We Retail");
MockSlingHttpServletRequest mockSlingRequest = aemContext.request();
MockSlingHttpServletResponse mockSlingResponse = aemContext.response();
Resource payloadResource = mockSlingRequest.getResourceResolver().resolve("/content/unified-site/language-masters/en/blueprintpage2/page1");
ResourceResolver rr = payloadResource.getResourceResolver();
//BaseSessionIWrap session =(BaseSessionIWrap) rr.adaptTo(Session.class);
SessionWrapper wrapper = new SessionWrapper(session);
assertSame("getAccessControlManager", accessControlManager, wrapper.getAccessControlManager());
final AccessControlManager accessControlManager = session.getAccessControlManager();
final Privilege moveToTrashCanPrivilege = accessControlManager.privilegeFromName(Privilege.JCR_REMOVE_NODE);
if(accessControlManager.hasPrivileges(payloadResource.getPath(), new Privilege[]{moveToTrashCanPrivilege})) {
//todo use full work
String requestJson = "{\"action\":\"trash\",\"items\":[{\"source\":\"/content/unified-site/language-masters/en/blueprintpage2/page1\",\"target\":null}]}";
parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (null != unitTestServletObj && null != mockSlingRequest && null != mockSlingResponse) {
unitTestServletObj.doGet(mockSlingRequest, mockSlingResponse);});
static class SessionWrapper implements BaseSessionIWrap<Session> {
final Session wrapped;
public SessionWrapper(final Session wrapped) {
this.wrapped = wrapped;
public Session unwrapSession() {
return wrapped;
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