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JBoss 7.1.4 upgrade to 7.2.x in AEM 6.5


Level 1

Hello experts,

When you install AEM 6.5 with JBoss as an application server, by default it comes with JBoss version 7.1.4

Has anyone tried to upgrade JBoss 7.1.4 which gets shipped with AEM with JBoss 7.2.x ? 

I am trying to do this JBoss upgrade, but it's not working so wondering if anyone has tried that before?


Thanks for your help in advance!!


3 Replies


Level 10

Hi @maulikjn,

For AEM installation via WAR file with application server install of our choice, I don't think we have restrictions in terms of specific application server or its version. Could you elaborate on

  • What you refer as "JBoss 7.1.4 which gets shipped with AEM"
  • Upgrade procedure you are following

I was able to pull a blog link which details the steps of AEM installation with JBoss but for a different version.

See if it works for you by following similar steps with versions you are expecting - AEM 6.5 with JBoss 7.2.x installer



Level 1

Thanks for replying to this Vijayalakshmi!!


What you refer as "JBoss 7.1.4 which gets shipped with AEM"

==> Used AEM 6.5 windows installer with Turnkey option, and then selected JBoss as my app server, so installer installed jboss inside AEM directory, and when I checked in the JBoss admin console, it shows version 7.1.4 .. Make sense?


Upgrade procedure you are following

==> Installed stand-alone JBoss in a directory outside AEM directory, initially version 7.2.0 & then applied a patch on that to make it JBoss EAP 7.2.8 ... and then deployed AEM .ear files from the export directory inside AEM\ConfigManager folder. While deploying those .ear files, few are getting deployed successfully (adobe-livecycle-cq-author.ear, adobe-livecycle-native-jboss-x86_win32.ear, adobe-workspace-client.ear), but it's not deploying adobe-livecycle-jboss.ear file and throwing bunch of error messages.


Regarding the blog you have mentioned, I have followed almost similar steps - only difference is I have used the AEM installer first, and then grabbed the AEM .ear files from the export directory to deploy them in JBoss. I will try to see if I can find AEM .war file from Adobe site for version 6.5 as mentioned in that blog.




Level 1

Hi @Vijayalakshmi_S 

Thanks for your reply!!


What you refer as "JBoss 7.1.4 which gets shipped with AEM"

==> Used AEM 6.5 windows installer with Turnkey option, and then selected JBoss as my app server, so installer installed jboss inside AEM directory, and when I checked in the JBoss admin console, it shows version 7.1.4 .. Make sense?


Upgrade procedure you are following

==> Installed stand-alone JBoss in a directory outside AEM directory, initially version 7.2.0 & then applied a patch on that to make it JBoss EAP 7.2.8 ... and then deployed AEM .ear files from the export directory inside AEM\ConfigManager folder. While deploying those .ear files, few are getting deployed successfully (adobe-livecycle-cq-author.ear, adobe-livecycle-native-jboss-x86_win32.ear, adobe-workspace-client.ear), but it's not deploying adobe-livecycle-jboss.ear file and throwing bunch of error messages.


Regarding the blog you have mentioned, I have followed almost similar steps - only difference is I have used the AEM installer first, and then grabbed the AEM .ear files from the export directory to deploy them in JBoss. I will try to see if I can find AEM .war file from Adobe site for version 6.5 as mentioned in that blog.