I'm having a little trouble with targeting content within AEM and i cannot figure out what's going on that is causing these differences. On the author instance, everything is working perfectly, however when everything is activated the targeting does not work on the publish instance. This has been a problem for a few weeks and DayCare hasn't been able to help so i'm hoping someone here may have some insight.
I did a little digging and one thing that i've noticed is different between the Author and Publish instance is the request to "segementation.segment.js". On the author instance when the file is requested the response is this:
CQ_Analytics.SegmentMgr.register("/etc/segmentation/students/known","( ( CQ_Analytics.OperatorActions.operate(clientcontext.surferinfo, \'browserFamily\', \'equals\', \'Chrome\', \'\') ) )",0); CQ_Analytics.SegmentMgr.register("/etc/segmentation/students/unknown","( ( CQ_Analytics.OperatorActions.operate(clientcontext.surferinfo, \'browserFamily\', \'notequal\', \'Chrome\', \'\') ) )",0);
So you can see that it's adding in the segmentation rules to the register function. This doesn't happen on the publish instance, see below:
CQ_Analytics.SegmentMgr.register("/etc/segmentation/students/known","( ( false ) && ( false ) )",0); CQ_Analytics.SegmentMgr.register("/etc/segmentation/students/unknown","( ( false ) )",0);
Any ideas what could be causing this?