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Issues with guidebrige's event ‘elementHelpShown’


Level 3


in custom javascript code using guidebridge I consume a ‘elementHelpShown’ event as described in https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6/javascript-api/GuideBridge.html#event:elementHelpShown.

Here is the skeleton of my custom javascript code:

window.addEventListener("bridgeInitializeStart", function (event) {     var gb = event.detail.guideBridge; gb.connect(function () {     gb.on('elementHelpShown', function(target, _property, newText) {     ... }); }); });

Following guidebridge documentation the event handler receives 3 parameters: 

target:Objectcomponent whose help is being shown
_property:Stringwhat kind of help is being shown. can be either Short Description / Long Description
newText:Objectobject of the form
{help: help content of the field}

What I finally get is:

target   : p.Event {type: "elementHelpShown", timeStamp: 1449596265869, jQuery18005850592961069196: true, isTrigger: true, exclusive: undefined…} _property: child {options: Object, jsonModel: Object} newText  : undefined

The parameter 'target' does not refer to a component but to an event. The parameter '_property' does not refer to a string but to an object. The parameter 'newText' is undefined.

The help text I've finally found in '_property.newText.help' is truncated:

This is the long description of the field: 

and this is the long description in html view:


and this is what I got in '_property.newText.help' 

_property.newText.help: "blablabla"


Has anybody ever successfully implemented a working event handler for this event: https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6/javascript-api/GuideBridge.html#event:elementHelpShown ?

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