Not Tested But it should work
If you trying to add special character to the URL as Query parameters, I would recommedn encoding the URL string.
The parameter may be submitted via a URL such as "http://www.awebsite.com/encodingurls/submitmoviename.html?movie1=Fast & Furious".
In this example, space and & need to be handled specially, otherwise it may not be interpreted properly - for example, the associated GET request may fail.
These character can be encoding:
Space as '%20
' or '+
' as '%26'
And thus the URL, after encoding, would look like 'http://www.awebsite.com/encodingurls/submitmoviename.html?movie1=Fast+%26+Furious
Use this tool: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.ASP
Kautuk Sahni