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Is it possible to select a lucene index to perform queries?


Level 2


I'm currently working with AEM 6.2 and I would like to know if I can select (deliberately) a lucene index to perform different queries. For example, imagine 2 different teams working on these paths:

  • TeamA works on /content/dam/stuff and defined an index named TAIndex
  • TeamB works on /content/dam/stuff/tbStuff and defined its own index named TBIndex

Depending on the index cost, path restrictions, filters... TeamA could be performing queries against TBIndex and thus getting an invalid response. So, I would like to make TeamA always work with TAIndex and TeamB work with TBIndex.

Different options come to mind:

  • Add two new fields to every asset  (e.g. belongsTA and belongsTB). Thus all the documents in TAIndex will include belongsTA and every TeamA query will include the clause belongsTA:true (the same for TeamB). I don't like it much as it implies new fields that need to be managed, bigger index and extra filter.
  • Use lucene native queries (I wasn't able to make them work in AEM :( ).

Any help is appreciated.


8 Replies


Level 10

I recommend watching this GEMS session on Indexing - it will help you: 


Typically Indexes are used to improve query results - as discussed in the GEMS session.


Level 2


Thanks for the answer. Sure, that document is my bedtime book :) and according to it: "1. Q: For precise index selection is it advised always use native query? * A: if you can't manage to have the query engine select a specific index based on cost tweaks (recommended way), native query is your only alternative".  That statement was more than a year ago, so I was expecting a better way to solve the index collision. Anyway, I will keep working on make native queries work.



Level 10

That GEMS session is still the best material we have for Indexing. Also the native Sling docs are good: 



Level 9

Hi Alvaro Cabrerizo,

Parent node is common for both teams & I won;t recommend duplicate index Nor adding the property.   Instead create a single index & have path restriction hidden based on team the user belong to.



Level 2

Many thanks for the answer.

The main drawback for that solution is that TeamA and TeamB don't need the same index fields. Moreover, TeamB index definition contains a list of excluded paths. Merging both indexes in one penalizes TeamB as:

  • The reindex process takes longer.
  • The index management is more difficult as any modification need to be agreed by both teams.
  • The index size grows penalizing both teams.
  • Not sure if within AEM we can have 2 lucene fields comming from the same metadata field. For example if both teams need to index the metadata field myTitle but need different processing pipeline (e.g. lowercase, stopwords, stemming...)



Level 9

Hi Alvaro Cabrerizo,

You might need to end up using native query,



Level 2

I aggre with you MC Stuff,

We finally made native queries work. It took us more than expected because there was a misunderstanding on how they work. Currently the index cost is calculated based on the next formula cost = costPerExecution + (costPerEntry*entryCount). Thus native queries (e.g. /jrc:root/content/dam//element(*,dam:Asset)[rep:native('myIndex',...) don't force the selection of myIndex but tweak the cost formula setting the entryCount  to 1 (i.e.  cost('myIndex') = costPerExecution + (costPerEntry*1) )

The proposed solution was to make teamB modify their index to include the property entryCount=VeryBigNumberHere. Thus every query from teamA will discard TBIndex as its cost is too high (1+(1*VeryBigNumberHere)) while teamB queries, including the native clause, will use TBIndex as its cost is 2. 

Moreover we can find cornercases in case teamA modifies its index, for example setting costPerEntry = 0. In that situation, the cost of TeamB native queries is 2 for TBIndex but 1 for TAIndex ( 1 = 1+(0*entryCount)), thus selecting the wrong index.



Level 2


I've checked that using entryCount=VeryBigNumberHere does not work, as the indexPlanner uses the smaller value between entryCount and the number of documents within the index. 
