Hi @Samba_Kolusu,
Here you can find technical requirements for an AEM instance: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-65/content/implementing/deploying/intr...
Ubuntu 24.04 is based on Linux Kernel 6.8. Ubuntu 22.04 is based on Linux Kernel 5.15. Adobe noted the following:
Linux® Kernel 2.6, 3. x, 4. x, 5. x and 6. x includes derivatives from Red Hat® distribution, including Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, CentOS, Oracle Linux®, and Amazon Linux®. AEM Forms add-on features are only supported on CentOS 7, Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7, Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 8, and Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 9.
In the documentation I see that they support Linux®, based on the Red Hat® distribution.
Therefore, you are good for this update.