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Invoking SOAP Web Services inside AEM OSGI Service Using Apache-CFX | AEM Community Blog Seeding




Invoking SOAP Web Services inside AEM OSGI Service Using Apache-CFX by Navin Kaushal


Recently, I was struggling to invoke SOAP WebService inside an OSGI Service in AEM. I tried to search however there was not a single article or tutorial I could find to refer to. I thought it would be good to provide some steps around this. I could not make this an extensive article with a lot of information and code samples however, this could be a good starting point for others.

Step -1: Setup AEM Project Structure:
Create an AEM Project which has an OSGI Service implemented. Here is the Sample code

// Service Interface
public interface SoapClient {
public String greetMe(String name);

// Service Interface Implementation Class
@Component(service = SoapClient.class, immediate = true, configurationPid = "com.api.connector.service.impl.SoapClient", property = {
Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION + "=SOAP Client Service Interface",
"label" + "=SOAP Client Service Interface",

public class SoapClientImpl implements SoapClient {

private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SoapClientImpl.class);

@WebServiceRef(wsdlLocation = "http://www.examples.com/wsdl/HelloService.wsdl")
private HelloService serviceObj;

public BMSAPIWrapperImpl() {

if (SoapClientImpl == null) {
log.info("Service not found hence being created.");
try {
URL myWSDLURL = new URL("http://www.examples.com/wsdl/HelloService.wsdl");
this.serviceObj = new HelloService(myWSDLURL);
log.info("Service created successfully.");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.info("Service not created Error : "+e.getMessage());

public String greetMe(String name) {

IHelloService endPoint = serviceObj.getServiceEndPoint(); // get the endPoint of the service - generated by WSDL2JAVA Utility
endPoint.greetMe(name); // Invoke GreetMe Method

Step -2: Generate Java Classes from WSDL
Generate Java Classes from your WSDL using the WSDL2JAVA Utility. You may use the following command

wsdl2java -verbose -d folderNameWhereJavaFilesGenerated http://www.examples.com/wsdl/HelloService.wsdl

Step -3: Copy all the Generated JAVA files
Copy all the Generated JAVA files inside your AEM OSGI Project

Step -4: Install Apache-CFX Runtime dependency
Download Apache-CFX from this URL and install it to your AEM Instance using package explorer.

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Invoking SOAP Web Services inside AEM OSGI Service Using Apache-CFX


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