Hello members,
We are trying/planning to integrate Vue 3 in AEM.
Our work procedure will be like this ->
<div class="cmp-helloworld" data-cmp-is="helloworld">
<h2 class="cmp-helloworld__title">Hello World Component</h2>
<div class="cmp-helloworld__item" data-sly-test="${properties.text}">
<hello-world msg="${properties.text}"></hello-world>
So, how actually we can meet our requirements?
Hi @Sady_Rifat
The Mavice team has added a new Vue.js SPA integration to AEM. Take full advantage of Vue's progressive and reactive ecosystem in creating scalable and production-ready AEM SPA applications. We were able to achieve this by developing an 'aem-vue-editable-components' library, similar to the 'aem-react-editable-components'. See the Mavice AEM WKND Vue project or create your own by cloning Mavice's fork of the Adobe AEM archetype on Github.
Hello @Nishant-Singh,
Thanks for your reply. But maybe I was unable to clear the requirement. I have seen this project. Though it's built with Vue 2 I am trying to do similar migration with Vue 3. To do this I faced some troubles. It's better if I got anything from Vue 3.
However, I also want to leverage the power of HTL also. In summary, I just want to replace AngularJS or jQuery with Vue. Is it possible by any workaround?
Let me check this
Hello @Nishant-Singh ,
Completed the investigation, In the end just found that this project is using CDN Vue. Which was not my requirement. My question was related to the use of Vue CLI.