Hi All,
I am getting the above dependency issues in system console, but my build is successful in eclipse. I checked in http://localhost:4502/system/console/depfinder, but the dependency when added in eclipse gives me build issues. Do you know how to resolve this?
com.day.cq.wcm.api,version=[1.27,2) -- Cannot be resolved
com.googlecode.htmlcompressor.compressor -- Cannot be resolved
org.apache.commons.lang,version=[2.6,3) -- Cannot be resolved
org.apache.sling.models.annotations,version=[1.5,2) -- Cannot be resolved
org.apache.sling.models.factory,version=[1.4,2) -- Cannot be resolved
org.json.simple,version=[1.1,2) -- Cannot be resolved
org.json.simple.parser,version=[1.1,2) -- Cannot be resolved
org.jsoup,version=[1.8,2) -- Cannot be resolved
org.jsoup.nodes,version=[1.8,2) -- Cannot be resolved
org.jsoup.select,version=[1.8,2) -- Cannot be resolved
org.osgi.service.component,version=[1.4,2) -- Cannot be resolved
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Most often that's caused by building against a version X of the uber.jar and deploying into a different version Y of AEM. Can you share which version of the uber.jar you are referencing in your POM and what AEM version you are deploying to?
Are you importing all the required packages to the bundled?
Verify if you have some configuration like below in the core pom.xml
Import-Package: javax.annotation;version=0.0.0,*
Another issue might be due to the version mismatch, ensure the correct uber-jar version included in your parent pom.xml file.
Albin I
Most often that's caused by building against a version X of the uber.jar and deploying into a different version Y of AEM. Can you share which version of the uber.jar you are referencing in your POM and what AEM version you are deploying to?
this is version error
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