Hi everyone,
I would like to seek for anyone who could help advice on the implementation of handling rollout conflict in which Java is the language used this time. I am referring to this guide https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/introduction/msm-rollout...
Now I have a published template (named "email_abc") on its live copy branch (lc-level-1), e.g. "email_abc". Then, I create another template with same name (i.e. email_abc) on Blueprint branch (bp-level-1).
The as-is result after the creation is that the Blueprint's template (i.e. email_abc) is published to the live copy branch while the live copy branch's template is renamed to "email_abc_msm" and modified to "Not published" status. This is default behavior when the MSM conflict option is checked for rollout manager.
What needs to achieve:
It is expected to customized this rollout behavior for
- renaming the live copy branch's template to be "email_abc_1" instead of "email_abc_msm"
- not to unpublish the live copy branch's template
Implementation issue needs to be resolved:
By referring to the guide posted on the heading, I wonder how the resourceResolver
argument from the method handleNameConflict
in ResourceNameRolloutConflictHandler
interface can be implemented to achieve which template for publishing as well as adopting a different name aside "_msm_moved". Would the RolloutManager
help on this case?
Many thanks and appreciate for your advice on this issue.