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Image path issues on campaign landing pages in AEM 6.2


Level 3


We are facing issues related to image paths in campaign landing pages in AEM 6.2 which used to work fine in AEM 6.0 SP3.

Below is the structure of our design package:

  • /index.html -> landing page HTML file
  • /css -> contains base.css, images and fonts folders. base.css has references to images from /css/images for example (.cp-culturepath-logo-mark strong {background: url(images/structure/culturepath-logo-white.svg) no-repeat 0 0;})
  • /img -> all images and assets
  • /js -> js sources

On analysing, we found that client library folders created at this node /etc/designs/default/canvas/content/campaigns/us/culturepath/culturepath/jcr:content/importer/headindex.htmlclientlibs has css and js folders created along with what were present in design package css and js structure when design package is dropped onto importer page. css and js folders were not present in AEM 6.0 SP3. Inside css folder.

As a result, the above image in landing page HTML DOM has path http://localhost:4504/etc/designs/default/canvas/content/campaigns/us/culturepath/culturepath/_jcr_c...? which does not exist because client library folder headindex.htmlclientlibs does not have /css/images folder in it.

Is there any change in the way design package content is stored for landing pages in AEM 6.2?

I would like to know how the client library folders headindex.htmlclientlibs and index.htmlclientlibs are created within AEM, please point me to a component or source which takes care of this. I checked Importer component(/libs/wcm/designimporter/components/importerpage) but could not find anything related to this.

3 Replies


Level 10

THis should work like it did in past. There may be a bug. I recommend opening a support ticket so Eng and Support teams can be made aware of this issue. THis is something that you should not have to modify at the code level. 


Level 10

I have also asked some of our Campaign ppl to look at this. 


Level 3

Hi smacdonald2008,

Thanks for the response. We will raise a support ticket.