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Image extensions for renditions in DAM.


Level 1

Hi Team,

I have a question to ask here :

Whenever we upload any image asset in DAM its rendition is always of type PNG irrespective of the extension of image we upload.

For eg if I upload A.jpeg , the corresponding renditions which will be created would be A.png.

How about if I want to get A.jpeg for renditions, please let me know if any body have got any solution for this.



6 Replies


Level 1

I have the same question and my requirement is whenever an image of the different type is uploaded to Dam the renditions should be Jpeg.



Checking with the engineering team.

Kautuk Sahni



Checking this with Engineering.

Kautuk Sahni


Level 1

Hi Kautuk,

Did you got any answer for this?



Level 4


If you look at the rendition maker API, RenditionMaker ("The Adobe AEM Quickstart and Web Application.") , you will see there are certain available methods that create a rendition template based on a mimetype passed.

If you open DAM update Asset workflow and try to edit the 'Process Thumbnails' step, there is a 'Web enabled Image' in the dialog that takes a mimetype and generates a rendition based on the configuration done.

If you want to add more renditions, drag and drop the 'Create Web Enabled Image' step and make configurations as required.

Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at 11.21.38 AM.png

Hope this helps!!


Level 3

Hi @yuvrajb70925184

1. Top three renditions are thumbnails and thumbnails are always png(48:48, 140:100, 319:319)

2. There is one extra web renditons from AEM, which will be jpeg or png based on source image type.

Below is the workflow of dam renditions


thumbnail step: Process Thumbnails

Renditions step: Create Web Enabled Image --> You need to add this step from side kick, multiple times in workflow and give required renditions (Like 1280, 1680, 720 ......)

The other better solutions is use Dynamic Media in aem which does better job. By creating a Tiff(image-set) and can render any sizes at run time, with right params.


Then you can access renditions like
