Iceberg at Adobe by Stories by Jaemi Bremner on Medium
Adobe Experience Platform is an open system for driving real-time personalized experiences. Customers use Adobe Experience Platform to centralize and standardize their data across the enterprise resulting in a 360-degree view of their data that can then be used with intelligent services to drive improved experiences across multiple devices, run targeted campaigns, classify profiles, and leverage advanced analytics.
Adobe Experience Platform is the infrastructure capable of processing exabytes of data. Its architecture is designed on a Lambda architecture for the efficient and large scale processing of both streaming and batch workloads. Our customers, partners, and Adobe solutions send their data with minimal latency and eventual consistency within the Platform. Once data is ingested in the Data Platform it can be both acted and reported on.
Data Lake
Adobe Experience Platform Data Lake is the source of truth for downstream consumers in need of historical analysis. All data ingested into the Data Platform eventually lands into the Data Lake.
While Data Lake is currently processing ~1 million batches per day, which equates roughly to 13TB of data and 32 billion events, this load will necessarily scale several orders of magnitude as more Adobe solutions and customers migrate onto Adobe Experience Platform in 2021.
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Kautuk Sahni