I need to access the translations library from my Model - Resource.class
I manage to do it within a Model - SlingHttpServletRequest.class
To instantiate i18n I need either the slingHttpServletRequest, or the resourceBundle but, from within my humble resource class,
I am not being able to get any of them.
I tried with @Model(adaptables= {Resource.class, SlingHttpServletRequest.class}), but when I try to inject the request the my page does not render.
Does any of you manages to access i18n from a @model Resource.class?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
following snippet might help
@Model(adaptables = {SlingHttpServletRequest.class, Resource.class})
public class SimpleModel {
@Self(injectionStrategy = InjectionStrategy.OPTIONAL)
private SlingHttpServletRequest request;
private I18n i18n;
if (request != null) {
i18n=new I18n(request);
String val =i18n.getVar(“key”);
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I actually tried that, but the request never gets filled.
I will try to see if I can make it work, and come back if so.
Thanks for the help!
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you can give a try in another way like
final Locale pageLocale = getCurrentPage().getLanguage(false);
final ResourceBundle resourceBundle = getRequest().getResourceBundle(pageLocale);
final I18n i18n = new I18n(resourceBundle);
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HI guys either way it should work
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Well, in the, and since adapting to both didn't work for me,
we made the model
@Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class)
and injected everything else
private ResourceResolver resolver;
private Resource resource;
private I18n i18n;
Thanks for the suport!
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Did the above snippet work ? is request getting injected ?
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Yes it got Injected.
But I actually, today, got a better way of getting it, without the need to adapt from slinghttpservletrequest
@Model(adaptables = Resource.class)
public class MyClassMode {
private ResourceBundleProvider i18nProvider;