I have a js file which is being used when Component's dialog box is being opened . I want to know is there any unigue property of the component that I can catch and use it in the js file. for ex-class, id or something like that
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I would say use
You can add granite:class , granite:id to component dialog and use that in js file to execute the script
(function(document, $, Coral) {
'use strict';
$(document).on('foundation-contentloaded', function(e) {
var = $('.customclass coral-select[name="./theme"]').val());
})(document, Granite.$, Coral);
Also refer: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/granite-class-and-granite-...
Is that js file part of the component specific client library or applicable for every component?
Sharing my ideas here -
You could review granite:class , granite:id and wrapperClass [/apps/core/wcm/components/teaser/v2/teaser/cq:dialog/content/items/tabs/items/actions/items/columns/items/column/items/linkURL] property for your implementation.
We are using these properties at dialog field level.
One more point : please review article on useful properties of a component [https://aem4beginner.blogspot.com/useful-properties-of-component-in-aem-63] and youtube videos. We could use these properties with different use cases also.
granite:class and granite:id are not getting showed up in the structure when I look it via inspect element
Looks like you want to write a single js file that can be used for multiple components on the basis of a unique ID.
Can you tell us more like if you have 100 components and you want to identify the component on the basis of granite:class or id so where you will specify these id's or classes in the JS file? so that it met their condition.
I want to run the js script whenever the component dialog box is called. but I want to make sure that it is the specified component
granite:class or id should be visible in your DOM elements. please try to troubleshoot it or paste some code here.
here no id or class property is being generated for the dialog box...please have a look
put something unique like cmp-ing__geolocation and try searching it in the entire DOM. and try with granite:class only first.
I would say use
what should I write under ${resource.path.hashCode}" , like do I have to put values here put it as it is as ID.