For one of my poc, I am planning to setup commerce cockpit and CIF components and I want to use Venia commerce store to setup( I have downloaded and installed the package from I am trying to setup cloud config
Here is my com.adobe.cq.commerce.graphql.client.impl.GraphqlClientImpl config
GraphQL Service Identifier -
Commerce Cloud Conf
I guess I should update "Catalog Root Category Identifier" . Does anyone know what should be the value for this field ?
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Hi @Mario248 ,
Mg== is encode value of 2
This value represent the root category id in Magento store.
You can try with this default value itself without changing.
You may refer below for details
Thanks for your response. I see use the default config but commerce cockpit is loading
I dont see any error in error log. It tells "The configuration venia is not available or did not return a valid schema". Looks like I have valid config but how do we check schema? Is there way to check valid schema ?
Hi @Mario248 ,
We can see the product is loading with default root category id 2 i.e. Mg==
Please change the endpoint(graphql service URL) to
that is append /graphql
"data": {
"storeConfig": {
"store_code": "default",
"root_category_uid": "Mg==",
"__typename": "StoreConfig"
I changed to POST but still commerce cockpit is not loading.
As @MukeshYadav_ you need to check the value represent the root category id in Magento store it can be "Mg==" or "Mw==" try with these two values and also in your configuration remove the default http headers and also check the advanced tab configuration GraphQL Proxy Path * and also check Enable Catalog UID Support to true
I tried with both "Mg==" or "Mw==" but still having same issue
FYI, I created a new post to fix the schema issue. can you pls take a look ?
@Mario248 Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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