Hi All,
I have written a workflow which will unpublsih and move node and it's children from payload path to "/content/archived" path. I am successfully able to do,
but the challenge I am facing here or the modification is required here is:
1- All the unpublish and move action should be proformed after some hirearchy, example
it should only perform after level4/--- if the hirearchy like /content/leve1/leve2/level3/level4____ for [/content/project/websites/en-us/a/authors/ {list of author pages and their sub childs}
it should only perform after level3/--- if the hirearchy like /content/leve1/leve2/level3/____ for [/content/project/location/en-us/a/location_test/ {list of location pages and their sub childs}
where as in my workflow I have first restricted to rome root path "/content/project" now how to accomodate for the above level..
public void execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap) throws WorkflowException {
String payload = workItem.getWorkflowData().getPayload().toString();
LOG.debug("payload :: {}", payload);
String workflowInitiator = workItem.getWorkflow().getInitiator();
if (payload.startsWith("/content/project-content")) {
ResourceResolver resourceResolver = resourceResolverUtil.getResourceResolver();
Session session = resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class);
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
Page rootPage = resourceResolver.getResource(payload).adaptTo(Page.class);
//LOG.debug("Level :: {}" + rootPage.getAbsoluteParent(4).toString());
Iterator<Page> childPages = null;
if (rootPage != null) {
childPages = rootPage.listChildren(new PublishedPageFilter(), true);
if (childPages != null) {
while (childPages.hasNext()) {
Page page = childPages.next();
String[] paths = list.toArray(new String[0]);
try {
replicator.replicate(session, ReplicationActionType.DEACTIVATE, paths, null);
} catch (ReplicationException e) {
LOG.debug("Replication exception occurred at :: {}" + Arrays.toString(paths));
try {
Node payloadNode = null;
if (session != null) {
payloadNode = session.getNode(payload);
String payloadName = null;
if (payloadNode != null) {
payloadName = payloadNode.getName();
String archivePath = DESTINATION_PATH + payload.substring(ROOT_PATH.length(), payload.lastIndexOf("/"));
Node archived = JcrUtils.getOrCreateByPath(archivePath, "cq:Page", session);
session.move(payloadNode.getPath(), archived.getPath() + "/" + payloadName);
setPropertyForNodeAndChildNodes(archived.getNode(payloadName), "archivedBy", workflowInitiator);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("PersistenceException exception occurred at :: {}" + Arrays.toString(paths));
} else {
String workflowId = workItem.getWorkflow().getId();
Workflow workflow = workflowSession.getWorkflow(workflowId);
LOG.error("Workflow Terminated as path does not start with /content/wem-content : " + workflowId);
@kautuk_sahni @lukasz-m @arunpatidar @Avinash_Gupta_
Solved! Go to Solution.
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In my opinion you can use combination of getDepth() method from Page object inside PublishPageFilter class. This method returns level of specific page in content hierarchy like that:
For path /content/project/location/en-us/a/location_test you will get:
| level | returned | | 1 | /content | | 2 | /content/project | | 3 | /content/project/location | | 4 | /content/project/location/en-us | | 5 | /content/project/location/en-us/a/location_test |
Base on above you should be able to calculate what depth for level 3 and 4.
Moving forward I would try this kind of code:
private class PublishedPageFilter implements Filter<Page> {
public boolean includes(Page page) {
return (page != null &&
page.adaptTo(ReplicationStatus.class).isActivated() &&
(isUnderPathAndLevel(page, "/content/project/websites", 6) ||
isUnderPathAndLevel(page, "/content/project/location", 5)));
private boolean isUnderPathAndLevel(Page page, String path, int level) {
return page.getPath().startsWith(path) && page.getDepth() > level;
You will need to adjust value of level and paths. As a result below part of code
rootPage.listChildren(new PublishedPageFilter(), true);
it will return only pages that are published, and are located under specific level in content structure.
Hi @tushaar_srivastava
The logic is very simple, I would suggest you to put a debugger and find the issues.
Use https://developer.adobe.com/experience-manager/reference-materials/6-4/javadoc/com/day/cq/wcm/api/Pa... API for page move.
Thank you @arunpatidar for your guidance,
The above code works perfectly fine, the only thing is I want to restrict the author on certiaon leve on pages, means the workflow condition will work on certain level :
it should only perform after level4/--- if the hirearchy like /content/leve1/leve2/level3/level4____ for [/content/project/websites/en-us/a/authors/ {list of author pages and their sub childs}
it should only perform after level3/--- if the hirearchy like /content/leve1/leve2/level3/____ for [/content/project/
/content/project/websites/../... [restrict till level4]
/content/project/location/../../../.. [restrict till level3]
it should only perform after level4/--- if the hirearchy like /content/leve1/leve2/level3/level4____ for [/content/project/websites/en-us/a/authors/ {list of author pages and their sub childs}
it should only perform after level3/--- if the hirearchy like /content/leve1/leve2/level3/____ for [/content/project/location/en-us/a/location_test/ {list of location pages and their sub childs}
/en-us/a/location_test/ {list of location pages and their sub childs}
In my opinion you can use combination of getDepth() method from Page object inside PublishPageFilter class. This method returns level of specific page in content hierarchy like that:
For path /content/project/location/en-us/a/location_test you will get:
| level | returned | | 1 | /content | | 2 | /content/project | | 3 | /content/project/location | | 4 | /content/project/location/en-us | | 5 | /content/project/location/en-us/a/location_test |
Base on above you should be able to calculate what depth for level 3 and 4.
Moving forward I would try this kind of code:
private class PublishedPageFilter implements Filter<Page> {
public boolean includes(Page page) {
return (page != null &&
page.adaptTo(ReplicationStatus.class).isActivated() &&
(isUnderPathAndLevel(page, "/content/project/websites", 6) ||
isUnderPathAndLevel(page, "/content/project/location", 5)));
private boolean isUnderPathAndLevel(Page page, String path, int level) {
return page.getPath().startsWith(path) && page.getDepth() > level;
You will need to adjust value of level and paths. As a result below part of code
rootPage.listChildren(new PublishedPageFilter(), true);
it will return only pages that are published, and are located under specific level in content structure.