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How to programmatically set permission to a single path(node) to a given user?


Level 2

In our process we create nodes for binary files. Meanwhile, the node path could be emailed to a CQ user to access and download the file later. I'd like to know if its possible to grand the node read permission to this CQ user programmatically.


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Level 10
4 Replies


Level 2

Thanks both for the info! I've got my problem resolved. I found out that this site is very helpful as well: http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/AccessControl


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Level 10


Level 4
Hi Unable to set ACL permission for nodes under "/content" but its working for nodes under "/apps" Our Project requirement is to create User Group and assign Permissions Programmatically. Created a Postprocessor to get the SAML Response and based on that Creating group and permissions programmatically. While applying permissions to the newly created group, for the paths which are available in "/content" permission  are not getting applied but for "/apps" and "/var" permissions are getting applied.   private void parseSAMLResponse(Set<String> runModes, String samlResponseString)throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException { DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); documentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Map<String, String> samlAttributeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); StringReader strReader = new StringReader(samlResponseString); InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(strReader); Document document = docBuilder.parse(inputSource); NodeList samlAssertion = document.getElementsByTagName("saml:Assertion"); populateSAMLAttrMap(samlAttributeMap, samlAssertion); String userType = samlAttributeMap.get("Display Name") ; String userRole = samlAttributeMap.get("Given Name") ; String brandCode = samlAttributeMap.get("Surname") ; String dealerId = samlAttributeMap.get("Sign in name") ; log.info("Attributes ::::"+userType+"........."+userRole+".........."+brandCode+"........"+dealerId); try { final UserManager userManager = ((JackrabbitSession) session).getUserManager(); Group group = null; if (userManager.getAuthorizable(userRole) == null) { group = userManager.createGroup(userRole); ValueFactory valueFactory = session.getValueFactory(); Value groupNameValue = valueFactory.createValue(userRole, PropertyType.STRING); group.setProperty("./profile/givenName", groupNameValue); log.info("path of the group"+ group.getPath() +"principal of the group"+ group.getPrincipal()+ group.getID()); String groupPath = "/apps/POC_SSO"; log.info("---> {} Group successfully created.", group.getID()); setReadPermissions(group, groupPath, session); setDeletePermissions(group, groupPath, session); setModifyPermissions(group, groupPath, session); setCreatePermissions(group, groupPath, session); setReplicatePermissions(group, groupPath, session); setReadACLPermissions(group, groupPath, session); setEditACLPermissions(group, groupPath, session); group.addMember(auth); log.info("---> {} User added successfully.", group.getMembers()); } else { log.info("---> Group already exist.."); } session.save(); } catch (Exception e) { log.info("---> Exception.." + e.getMessage()); } }