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How to pass parameters to Sling Modal from Sightly Component


Level 4

Hi ,

I am trying to pass some custom parameters from my Sightly Component to Sling Model. But I am not able to read those passed parameters inside my Sling Model.

Below is my sightly code :

<sly data-sly-use.mySlingModal="${'com.adobe.website.models.ImageModel' @ colour='red', path=resource.path}"></sly>

How to read color and path in side my sling model java class.

Can you please help me in solving this.


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 4

Thank you all for responding. We  have solved it as below.

@Model({adaptables=Resource.class, adaptables=SlingHttpServletRequest.class)

So that at the same time I will get my resource/Node/Content properties and the values passed to my sling modal from my sightly component.

View solution in original post

16 Replies



Have your slingmodel be adaptable from slinghttpservlet request.

Then add two properties (colour , path), with the @inject annotation.


Level 4

I tried to use @Inject. But I am not able to use @Inject as I am using a different version. Apart form  @Inject do we have any other annotation for reading the parameters passed?



What do you mean? @ inject should be available..


Community Advisor

Hi Eakambaram

     I hope you have read this blog HTL introduction part 4   . Feike Visser​ has put across the details here. Please check the Sling Model Section and check if this is what you are looking for




Level 10

We show use of HTL and Sling Models in this article -- Developing your first Experience Manager 6.3 Components


Correct answer by
Level 4

Thank you all for responding. We  have solved it as below.

@Model({adaptables=Resource.class, adaptables=SlingHttpServletRequest.class)

So that at the same time I will get my resource/Node/Content properties and the values passed to my sling modal from my sightly component.


Level 6

Hi Eakambaram:

I have the same issue, not sure if you can help me.

for @Model({adaptables=Resource.class, adaptables=SlingHttpServletRequest.class), where to close '}'. Can you share a little bit code snippet.




Level 10

Newer article that uses Sling Models and @ inject Creating a custom Touch UI Grid Component for Adobe Experience Manager


Level 6

Thank you.

However, these examples are too simple. Do you have some more examples, which adaptable resource, and inject the request? or can adaptable request and resource both?



You adapt always from *one* class. In case you adapt from request, you have the resource too via the getResource()


Level 4

@Model({adaptables=Resource.class, adaptables=SlingHttpServletRequest.class}).

I was trying to pass some parameters/values from my sighlty html to my sling model, once we receive those parameters in our java we have some custom process requirement for those parameters and have to return some value found in repository to sighlty.

You can try the adaptables way. Another way is we can change our approach from sling model to wcmuse pojo way for this component alone.

Sighlty code snippet for passing some parameters (Those parameters are not authored by the author) from sightly component to Java/WCMUsePojo class

<sly data-sly-use.customPropReader="${'com.yourcompany.division.project.CustomPropReader' @ properties='prop1,prop2'}"></sly>

WCM use pojo Java code to read those parameters.

public class CustomPropReader extends WCMUsePojo {


* custom biz logic applied value map


private HashMap customProcessedProps;


public void activate() {

String property = get("properties", String.class) != null ? get("properties", String.class) : "";

String[] propertyList = property.split(",");

//We will get all values in propertyList string array. We can loop through those each value and apply custom logic

//One we got the results we can send them back to Sightly

customProcessedProps = new HashMap<String, String> ();

for (String property : propertyList) {

//apply custom logic to each property string and put that in map.

customProcessedProps.put(property, applyCustomBizLogic(property));




* get ValueMap of inheritedPageProperties


* @return HashMap


public HashMap getCustomProcessedProp() {

return customProcessedProps;




Level 6


Adobe recommends to use sling model instead of WCMUsePoJo. I was curious how to adaptable two classes in above examples.


Level 10

WCMUsePojo is a valid way if you prefer to use over Sling Models,


Level 5

We can do with sling models as below:

import org.apache.sling.api.SlingHttpServletRequest;

import org.apache.sling.models.annotations.Model;

import org.apache.sling.models.annotations.Optional;

import org.apache.sling.models.annotations.injectorspecific.RequestAttribute;

@Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class)

public class TestModel {



private String test;


    public void init() {

        //we can read the values directly here.



<sly data-sly-use.mySlingModal="${'TestModel' @ test='red'}"></sly>


Level 10

Here is HTL and Sling models -- Adobe Experience Manager Help | Creating a HTL Repeating Data Set 6.3 Component that uses Sling Mode...

Using this approach - as you see - very little Java code. 


Level 7


Correction in this for the curly braces: @Model(adaptables = {Resource.class, SlingHttpServletRequest.class})