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How to include Column Control Component statically


Level 4

How to include Column Control Component statically on the page component.  

I tried :

 <div data-sly-unwrap="${!wcmmode.edit}"  data-sly-resource="${ @path='COL'  ,resourceType='/apps/XXX/OOTBOverrideColumn}" ></div>

I only see Start of Column and not End of Columns ( same components work when I drag and drop)

And when clicked on the configure Icon:

I get the error 500  : Cannot serve request  to  /libs/foundation/components/parsys/colctrl/layoutdatasource/layoutdatasource.jsp

Is there a way to include the column control statically on Page component

In error.logs I see : :


/apps/myAPP/components/content/common/colctrl/_cq_dialog.html/content/project/en-us/public/values/code/jcr:content/parNode HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Uncaught SlingException java.lang.NullPointerException: null  at com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.designer.DesignerImpl.getStyle(DesignerImpl.java:146)
3 Replies


Level 10

YOu are using the correct syntax - 


Are you referencing out of the box column compnent? If not - tyy referencing ootb column component and see what happens. 


Level 4

smacdonald2008 wrote...

YOu are using the correct syntax - 


Are you referencing out of the box column compnent? If not - tyy referencing ootb column component and see what happens. 


Tried to include the OOTB Column control as well , it gives me the same error  : 

Cannot serve request to /libs/wcm/foundation/components/parsys/colctrl/_cq_dialog.html/content/myApp/en-us/public/Page/14/jcr:content/COLLLL in /libs/foundation/components/parsys/colctrl/layoutdatasource/layoutdatasource.jsp

Syntax :: 

<sly data-sly-resource="${ @path='COLLLL', resourceType='/libs/wcm/foundation/components/parsys/colctrl'}" /> 


Level 10

I will try and reproduce and post back results. Could be a UI bug.