Hey Community,
Below is my use case :
en_gl is master language copy
de is translated language copy created from en_gl and further their live copy where msm rollout comes into picture,
fr is translated language copy created from en_glnow if i change something in master, it will be passed to language copy and then to its live copy.But what if i want a content only in german market not french market how do i handle this?
Veenu Garg
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You can make language copy masters like below. /content |- we.retail |- en <---- language master (rollout of this page will target en_GB, en_IE, de, fr) |- en_GB |- en_IE |- de <---- language copy master (rollout of this page will target de_dr, de_ds) |- de_dr |- de_ds |- fr <---- language copy master (rollout of this page will target fr_zz, fr_fr) |- fr_zz
|- fr_fr
How are you syncing changes from master to language copy?
Hi Arun,
We are creating translation project of the page wherever changes are made and the translated content from master is copied into that page of the German language copy.
I am wondering if we can just skip Germany when you do the translation from the project?
Hi @arunpatidar ,
Language copy pages for different languages are created from language master (English).
If I make certain changes in text of a component 'x' in master copy which are not needed for a locale say Germany as in case of @Veenu , we can definitely create translated copy for only those locale where changes are required. But in this case master copy will be modified with a content.
If at some point of time I need some changes in for German market and modify master copy page component 'y', that way it will also include the changes done in master copy in component 'x' which was not needed for Germany but for others.
I also don't understand and know a better way to handle translation of English content from master to language copies in case where localised content is required.
Hey Veenu,
You have 2 options:
1. When you are rolling out a page, you can deselect "fr" or other pages from being rolled out. Deselecting on the pages will ensure that live copies will not be created from the AEM rollout functionality.
2. You can de-sync the the live copy node by deleting the cq:LiveSyncConfig node. Take a look at step 3 here, and delete the node -> https://sourcedcode.com/blog/aem/how-to-re-sync-a-live-copy-language-root-to-a-blueprint-in-aem-msm#...
In this step, whenever you are trying to roll out a page, the selection options will not be visible/disabled.
Hi @BrianKasingli ,
I think @Veenu is here looking for content in language copy from language master (English).
Your suggestion will work fine when we would roll out data from Language copy - de to its live copies.
|- we.retail
|- en
|- we.retail
|- de
|- we.retail
|- fr
en -> language master
de & fr is the language copy created from en with the translated content.
could you suggest me as well the best approach to manage localised content change where
If I make certain changes in authored text of a component 'x' in master copy which are not needed for a Germany, we can translate and create/update copy for only those locale where changes are required. But in this case master copy will be modified with this content.
If at some point of time I need some changes for German market and modify master copy page, that way it will also include the changes done in master copy in component 'x' done for "fr" locale which was not needed for "de".
You can make language copy masters like below. /content |- we.retail |- en <---- language master (rollout of this page will target en_GB, en_IE, de, fr) |- en_GB |- en_IE |- de <---- language copy master (rollout of this page will target de_dr, de_ds) |- de_dr |- de_ds |- fr <---- language copy master (rollout of this page will target fr_zz, fr_fr) |- fr_zz
|- fr_fr
Hi @BrianKasingli ,
This is what my content structure looks like but I'm facing challenge where I add a content (say "Hello world") in 'en' language master which needs to be translated for all countries but Germany.
At some point of time later, I need new translated content from 'en' language master to 'de'.
This time 'en' copy will also include the 'hello world' text added by other countries (in previous translation) and same text will also be copied to 'de' which was not needed by Germany.
How do we handle such market specific content? Let's say if anyone would suggest to add such content directly on 'de' language master but in that case content author are supposed to author text in localised language else there is no possible way of translating content if It's not added in 'en' language copy for translation. Is it the expected behaviour that author in such case should add localised text (locale specific language)on 'de' if a content is not needed globally? Let me know if there is any other way of handling.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,