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How to get request parameter of SlingServlet in OSGi Service ?


Community Advisor

I want to fetch the properties in OSgi Service like userName , which is set in request parameter in a my custom SlingServlet ? Anyone has an idea about how to achieve this task ?

I have one RegisterUserSlingServlet class and CustomMailService as OSGi service. I want get some request parameters properties inside my CustomMailService.

14 Replies


Level 3

Assuming you call CustomMailService in RegisterUserSlingServlet. You get request parameters in servlet by request.getParameter("key"). You can pass this parameters to the service, while invoking service method.


Community Advisor

@chandu t Do you any examples on that ?



Indeed, just pass in the request object or individual values


Community Advisor

Feike Visser​ I am still confused..!! Do you have any sample example ?



Do you have any code to share?


Community Advisor

Feike Visser

Servlet Code

@Component(service = Servlet.class,

    property = {Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION + "= Create Profile Servlet",

        ServletResolverConstants.SLING_SERVLET_METHODS + "=" + HttpConstants.METHOD_POST,

        ServletResolverConstants.SLING_SERVLET_RESOURCE_TYPES + "=" + CreateProfile.RESOURCE_TYPE})

public class CreateProfile extends SlingAllMethodsServlet {

  public static final String RESOURCE_TYPE = "components/general/profile";

  private static final String targetPageUrl = "/content/smaple.html";


  private transient AccountManagementService accountManagementService;


  protected void doPost(SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest,

      SlingHttpServletResponse slingResponse) throws ServletException, IOException {

     //Want to pass this targetUrl into Service class

    slingRequest.setAttribute(targetPageUrl, targetPageUrl );



Service Class:


    name = "Mail Service",

    property = {

        "label = Mail Service",

        "description = Mail Service",

        Constants.SERVICE_RANKING + ": Integer = 10000"},

    service = MailService.class, immediate = true


public class ]MailService implements MessageGateway<Email>, MailService {


   * Getting reference for default mail service.



      target = "(service.pid=com.day.cq.mailer.DefaultMailService)",

      cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY,

      policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC


  private volatile MailService defaultMailService;


  protected void activate(ComponentContext componentContext) {

    log.info("Activated Fiserv Default Mail Service");



  public boolean handles(Class<? extends Email> type) {

    return true;



  public void send(Email email) throws MailingException {

     //Here I want to Fetch the Request Parameter From Servlet Class.



  public void sendEmail(Email email) throws EmailException {





Level 3

Looks like you trying to add request parameters to mail body. Below is sample code


  private MailService mailService;


  protected void doPost(SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest,

      SlingHttpServletResponse slingResponse) throws ServletException, IOException {

      Email email = new SimpleEmail();

      StringBuilder mailTemplate = new StringBuilder();

              mailTemplate.append("<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>");

      mailTemplate.append("url: " + request.getParameter("targetUrl"));

      // you can add other parameters into body


      email.setContent(mailTemplate.toString(), "text/html");

      email.setSubject("Register User");





Community Advisor

@chandu t I dont want to append parameter in servlet. I only need to fetch that parameter in osgi service. I have to check some certain logic and based on that i have to append the targetUrl


Level 3

Then create a custom method in service. And call it.

  public void send(Email email, String targetUrl) throws MailingException {

     //Here use targetUrl for condition


  Add call like below in servlet

  mailService.send(email, request.getParameter("targetUrl"));


Community Advisor

chandu t​ But


  public void send(Email email) throws MailingException {} is an interface method


Level 10


write a overload send() method in your custom service which accepts the request parameter and then put your logic.


Community Advisor

Do you have any proper example which describes the above scenario ?


Level 10

You cannot read a servlet parameter value (value passed to a servlet) from an OSGI service. You can however - pass a servlet parameter from a servlet to a service method.


Level 10

In your code - looks like you are writing an OSGI class that implements MessageGatewayService.

This is not necessary to use a MessageGatewayService.

Instead - write an OSGi class that implements a Java interface. Then in your implementation class - inject a MessageGatewayService.

That is - no need to write a class that does this


    name = "Mail Service",

    property = {

        "label = Mail Service",

        "description = Mail Service",

        Constants.SERVICE_RANKING + ": Integer = 10000"},

    service = MailService.class, immediate = true


public class MailService implements MessageGateway<Email>, MailService {

Do this --

public interface Foo(){

public void sendMail(String parVal1)



public class FooImpl implements Foo


//Inject a MessageGatewayService


private MessageGatewayService messageGatewayService;

public void sendMail(String parVal1){

//parVal1 is my Servlet value!

//Call methods now that belong to messageGatewayService


Now in your Servlet - you can call sendMail() and pass servlet value by


private Foo myFoo;

protected void doPost(SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest,   SlingHttpServletResponse slingResponse) throws ServletException, IOException {

//Read Servlet parm values in Servlet

myFoo.sendMail(<PASS SERVLET VALUE>) ;  // This is how you solve this use case.

